According to the above documents, among the 12 bronze men, 10 was destroyed by Dong Zhuo. Before the Eastern Han Dynasty, Dong Zhuo led an army to attack Chang 'an, and he destroyed 10 of them into copper coins, and the remaining two were moved to Qingmen, Chang 'an. After arriving in the Three Kingdoms, Wei Mingdi Cao Rui ordered the two bronze men to be transported to Luoyang. When the craftsmen arrived in Bacheng, the operation was terminated because the bronze man was too heavy to move. When they arrived in the Sixteen Countries of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Shi Jilong of the Later Zhao Dynasty transported the two bronze men to Bacheng. He Jian, the former king of Qin, unified the north, and then transported the two bronze men from Bacheng to Chang 'an for destruction. At this point, all the bronze men who had gone through about 600 years were destroyed.