The online animation "Think as soon as possible" is an antique romantic 3D animation work directed by Zhao Yuqing and produced by Yangyan Culture.
The work mainly tells the story of a protoss teenager and a mortal girl walking on thin ice on the other side of Xiandao, as well as the oriental dream of repeated dangers.
The animation premiered in Tencent Video on June 4th, 20021.
It tells the oriental dream of protoss teenagers and mortal girls in fairy island. In this universe, the creatures between heaven and earth are represented by gods, immortals and passers-by, living in different time and space and undertaking different functions.
Among them, the protoss is in charge of the law of the operation of all things in the world, and the thought island is an exile place built by the protoss to punish the wrong gods and immortals. This place is located at the junction of heaven and celestial world, and is blocked by the protoss with enchantment.
After the immortal is exiled here, he will experience birth, illness and death with the life span of ordinary people. Once they are polluted by the sea around the island, they will disappear. Legend has it that every 500 years, there will be a "heavenly salvation" on the island. The gods, immortals and their descendants trapped here can leave the island and return to heaven as long as they pass the test.