Family reunion is naturally good, but there are always some families that are not satisfactory. When they offer sacrifices to their loved ones in the new year, they always feel inexplicable sadness. There is a certain rhetoric about ancestor worship in the New Year. Everything is suitable for remembering and paying homage to those who have left us, whether happy or sad. The memorial service is to remember, miss the little things around them, and let them know that others remember them, which is also a comfort.
Since ancient times, we have paid attention to the object of sacrifice, and sacrifice is also a kind of respect for the deceased. There are requirements for placing offerings, which stipulate the logarithmic requirements, that is, it should be three or multiples of three, not even numbers. For example, if the offering placed can be one plate, but if there is more than one plate, it must be three, six or nine plates. The number of offering plates placed cannot be even, and offerings can only be used on the left side of pigs and sheep. For the time of sacrifice, most people will choose the stage from morning to noon, and often prepare three cups of rice, wine, red candles, chopsticks and spoons. Paper money uses silver paper, towels and clothes. Different places will also prepare local specialties due to different seasons. Such as: cakes, glutinous rice balls, tide cakes, zongzi, fruits, sacrifices, rice cakes, etc. With the times, we will also prepare some paper flowers, paper buildings, paper carts, paper computers and so on. According to the wishes of the ancestors, they can be specially equipped. After two-thirds of the incense, you can start burning paper money, in the order of Da Shou Jin, Shou Jin, Jin Shu and Land Gong Jin.