0 1. Don't drink for no reason. Although the wine is delicious, you can't be greedy. In order to improve the overall level of the whole country, Emperor Wen of Han specially ordered that no one should drink alcohol for no reason, and three or more people should be fined. Therefore, in the Han dynasty, if you want to drink, you must first have a legitimate reason, such as holidays and wedding ceremonies. Emperor Wen of Han also sympathized with the people's feelings, fearing that the people could not drink good wine, and specially set up a drinking day. When this day comes, people can also enjoy drinking and chatting without being punished. In this way, in fact, the days when ordinary people can drink will not be less, which still meets the needs of ordinary people to a great extent.
02. Sitting posture needs to be correct. According to many historical documents, before Liu Bang conquered the world, he had a close relationship with his subordinates. There is no distinction between high and low on the wine table. They can punch if they want, and they can do whatever they want. This is nothing among friends, but it is obviously inappropriate between emperors and courtiers. All the previous actions will affect the image of a country to some extent. Therefore, after the establishment of the Han Dynasty, there were certain regulations for everyone's sitting posture, that is, they needed to be correct. Even drinking and toasting have different sitting requirements.
Song and dance performances and drinking orders generally do not allow guests to drink alcohol by themselves, which will soon make guests feel tired and bored. So, the wise man came up with a way, that is, singing and dancing while drinking. Maybe everyone watched the song and dance performance so wonderfully that they forgot to drink. In addition to singing and dancing performances, people also figured out the order of drinking and played some small games before drinking. Gradually, this habit has been passed down, adding some fun to people's drinking.
To sum up, the drinking regulations in Han dynasty include drinking without reason, sitting correctly, singing and dancing performances and drinking order.