Dachao Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of dong an town, Gaozhou City, Maoming City, Guangdong Province. The urban-rural classification code is 122, which is a town-township combination area. The zoning code is 44098 1 128222, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 44098 1. The postal code is 525000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0668, and the license plate number is K. Dachao Village is adjacent to Pingkeng Village, Shetang Village, Xiankeng Village, Ganzhi Village, Liu Yun Village, Dongfang Village, Lidong Village, Li Shuang Village, Maikeng Village, Liuxiu Village, Dashuang Village, Helangpo Village, Wangkeng Village and Zheng Village.
Near Chaochao Village, there are Xianrendong Natural Scenic Area, Genzi Agricultural Eco-tourism Area, Fushanling, Gaozhou Sendai Temple, Gaozhou Baoguang Pagoda and other tourist attractions, and there are special products such as Xindong Tea, Gaozhou Longan Meat, Gaozhou Litchi, Chuliang Longan and Gaozhou Banana.