Operation steps of AE making petal falling effect at the beginning of "ipartment"
Create a new composition of 1280*720, and the composition time is 10 second. Create a solid layer (solid color layer) and add specific special effects.
Add the picture of petals to the project file, close your eyes in front, and you don't need to look!
Click on our solid layer to change the particle parameters. First change the white particles set in the special effects into petals. The operation is to change the particle type to polygon texture in the effect control, and set the material layer to our petal layer.
Change the size to 6 1 (whatever you want, just look good, later I think 84 is more suitable for my picture), change the random size to 26, and choose the following picture in the preset life size, with transparency of 9 1 and random transparency of 14. Remember to randomly change the direction to 25.
At the emitter position, change the following parameters: 56 particles per second, the emission type is cuboid, the direction is direction, the direction spread is 15, the speed is 3 100, and the emitter xyz is 2300, 1000, 804 respectively.
For better effect, you can also have a rendering at the bottom of the effect control, and it will be better to change the motion blur inside!
Here are the effects, basic effects, blue sky effects and white clouds effects!