Politeness in language. At the banquet, the guest came and the host said, "Excuse me, excuse me". What about the guest? Yu Shouqing said "longevity" with his fist and "health and longevity" in fashion; Other festive occasions say "congratulations", only the funeral banquet. Guests might as well silently express their grief, bow their heads and hold the host's hand, and say "take care" in a thousand words at most.
The 5th Anniversary of Wandering Tribes in Le Tu 2007 White Paper on Air Travel in Tibetan Holy Land Wedding The whole strategy of Golden Week travel is in one word, even "Silence is better than voice". At the banquet, the host advised him to say "Please think twice" and "Without good food, I was cheated by Nong" (I had to say "cheated" modestly because I received a red envelope from others); Guests say "eat well", not "finished" (unlucky) or "really full" (rude).
What to eat and what not to eat at the party. Fuzhou birthday banquet and other wedding banquets, there must be a bowl of Taiping banquet. Taipingyan is called a big dish. When you serve a big dish, you have to set off firecrackers and wait for the host to propose a toast. Before that, you can't move chopsticks. If there are children who don't know the rules, adults will stop them. This is waiting to be eaten. Not eating? Not eating is the last "whole fish". The whole fish has a head and a tail, with more symbols. Can I eat? If you don't eat it, it will be put away by the host as a "meal" (meal) in the later period of the festival or given to friends and relatives in the neighborhood.
The weight of vegetables and vegetables. Weddings, funerals, wedding banquets, after eating a dish, the dishes should not overlap, and the staff should not weigh it when they come to collect it. This is for fear of touching "heavy mourning" and "bigamy". In addition, most of the others can be heavy.
Suitable and inappropriate dishes. Pomfret can't be served at wedding banquets and "moon viewing" banquets, and orange pomfret and braised pomfret are not homophonic with "prostitute" and are not suitable; There must be a bowl of mutton at the funeral banquet, commonly known as "mutton buns". Because sheep know the grace of breastfeeding and have the behavior of kneeling to breastfeed, eating mutton shows filial piety. The wedding banquet needs a bowl of Taiping banquet, and now the first bowl of birthday banquet is fried noodles. Noodles are homophonic with life, and eating fried noodles symbolizes longevity.
Ai Yin (mother) can't be eighty. There is a swearing saying in Fuzhou that "do eighty according to milk", so it is either seventy-nine or eighty-one to give your mother a birthday; Even if I do it every year, I won't do it at the age of 80. Why is this? First of all, eighty is homophonic with "straight" (death) in Fuzhou dialect, and doing eighty means "straight". Secondly, it is said that Luo Yin's mother was fierce before her death and was sent to hell after her death, at the age of 80.