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Who can give a three-level linkage menu code (asp)
Three-level linkage menu asp


& lt% @ Language = VBscript % & gt

& lt%



Using a single file version selection drop-down link to realize database version




% & gt

& lthtml & gt

Drop-down list case of & lttitle & gt link

& ltbody & gt

& lt scripting language = "javascript">

& lt! -

//The onchange event function of the first select

Function RefreshSelect(o, n)

{ if(n = = 2)document . mxh . elements[" s "+(n+ 1)]。 innerHTML= " "

if(o.options[o.selectedIndex].value=="0 ")

document.mxh.elements["s"+n]。 innerHTML= " "



document . mxh . BTN . disabled = false

window . frames[' hidden frame ']. location . href = ' multiselect . ASP? PID = '+o . options[o . selectedindex]。 Value+"&; n="+n



Function getSelected ()


for(I = 1; I<4; i++)


if(document . mxh . elements[" s "+I])。 selectedIndex & gt- 1)

Alert ("You selected:" +document.mxh.elements ["s"+i "). options[document . mxh . elements[" s "+I]。 Selectedindex]。 value+"-"+document . mxh . elements[" s "+I]。 Options.



//-& gt;

& lt/script & gt;

& ltform name = mxh & gt

& ltInput value= "The rest of the page will not change." style = " width:90% " & gt; & ltbr & gt

& ltselect name = " s 1 " onchange = " refresh select(this,2)" & gt; & ltoption value="0 ">- Please select-

& ltselect name = " S2 " onchange = " refresh select(this,3)" & gt; & ltoption value="0 ">- Please select-

& ltselect name="s3 " >& lt/select & gt;

& lt input type = "button" name =' BTN' disabled = true value = "view selection" onclick = "get selected()" & gt;;

& lt/form & gt;

& ltiframe name = " hidden frame " style = " display:none " & gt。 & lt/iframe & gt;

& lt/body & gt;

& lt%

This program is divided into two parts, one is used to submit and generate new data, and the other is used to initialize.

In fact, this is not very good for understanding. I hope you can understand for a while. It is best to understand in two grades.

1, the initialization part begins, and the main work is:

A. Initialize the first drop-down list

Dim sql,rs,cn,I

i = 0

Set cn = Server. CreateObject("ADODB。 Connect ")

cn。 Open "Provider=Microsoft。 Jet. OLEDB.4.0 data source = "& server. MapPath("MultiSelect.mdb ")

If required. QueryString("pid") = ""So

Initialization part

Set rs = cn. Execute ("Select * from pid=0")

Response. Write "< scripting language = 'javascript' >& ampvbCrLf

Response. Write "var arr1= new array ()"&; vbCrLf

Response. Write "var arr 2 = new Array()" & amp; vbCrLf

Not rs. eof

Response. Write down arr1["&; I&"] ='"&; RS(" id ")& amp; “& ampvbCrLf

Response. Write "arr2 ["&; I&"] ='"&; Rs ("name") & amp“& ampvbCrLf

i = i + 1

rs。 next step


For safety reasons.

Response. Write "window.onload = newfunction () {"&; vbCrLf

Response. Write "select1= document.mxh.s1"&; vbCrLf

Response. Write for (I =1; I< arr1.length+1; i++)“& amp; vbCrLf

Response. Write "select1.options [I] = new option (arr2 [I-1], arr1[I-1])"&; vbCrLf

Response. Write "}"&; vbCrLf

Response. Write "& lt/script >& ampvbCrLf"


Processing data submission

StrTreeId = request. Query string ("pid")

If strTreeId = "",then strTreeId = 0.

If IsNumeric(strTreeId) = False, then strTreeId = 0.

Response. clear

Response. Write "< scripting language = 'javascript' >& ampvbCrLf

Response. Write "choose" & request. query string(" n ")& amp; " = window . parent . document . mxh . s " & amp; Request. query string(" n ")& amp; vbCrLf

Response. Write "choose" & request. query string(" n ")& amp; ".innerHTML =“”& amp; vbCrLf

Response. Write "choose" & request. query string(" n ")& amp; ".options[0]= new option("- please select-"",""0" ")"&; vbCrLf

Set rs = cn. execute(" SELECT * FROM Area Where PID = " & amp; Request. QueryString("pid "))

Not rs. eof

Response. Write "choose" & request. query string(" n ")& amp; ".Option [Select]&; Request. query string(" n ")& amp;" . length] = new option ("& trim (RS ("name "))&; ,' " & ampRS(" id ")& amp; )" & ampvbCrLf

rs。 next step


Response. Write "& lt/script >& ampvbCrLf"

If ... it will be over.

rs。 close

Set rs = none

cn。 close

Set cn = none

% & gt


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