Funeral customs vary from place to place, and Songtao's local funeral customs are more particular. As far as burial methods are concerned, they can be divided into wooden coffin burial, hanging coffin burial, stone burial and cremation in recent years. But the most common is wooden coffin burial. Before Ming and Qing Dynasties, there were hanging coffins and stone tombs. Stone tombs are called "Miao graves" by the people, and the graves are square. Funeral forms are divided into four types: old age, tender death, good death and fierce death.
"Die of old age" and "die well" are both normal deaths. They can stop at nave to express their condolences and send them to the mountains for burial.
Those who "died gently" and "died violently" kept pivoting in the nave. Under special circumstances, half of the coffins are reliably visited at nave Gate, and the rest are placed in white coffins with turf and carried to the mountain for burial. This situation is generally:/kloc-the deceased under 0/8 years old is called "tender death", and the one who died of blood injury is called "sudden death", even if he died for his country. Adults enjoy coffins, while minors only use wooden boxes.