Detailed explanation: banquet. Tang and Wang Wei's "Banquet System on the Third Floor of March" says: "The wine feast is too loose, and the sleeves are afraid of dancing." "Surprise at the Second Moment", Volume 9: "Shengfeng paid for the drums and feasts to get married." Beijing Opera "General Xianghe" Scene 22: "He just mixes bowls of rice, sweeps the floor and does odd jobs, and serves banquets, all of which are his business."
Interpretation of wine: alcoholic beverages made from sorghum, rice, wheat or grapes: white wine, beer, cooking wine, maotai wine and wine pulp. Interpretation of banquet: bamboo mat: banquet. Banquet: wedding banquet, birthday banquet. Han people have a tradition of paying attention to courtesy and hospitality. In the folk, whenever there are weddings, birthdays and funerals, relatives and friends always come and go to celebrate the past. At this time, the host had to propose a toast to show his thanks.
Wedding banquet, wine combination: throughout the ages, banquet is almost an essential ceremony for every newlywed. Nowadays, "Eating Wedding Banquet" has become the abbreviation of folk wedding. Of course, there are many simple banquets of different scales. Birthday banquet refers to the birthday party arranged in the evening, where candles are lit and firecrackers are set off. The old birthday girl, accompanied by his wife, sits on the birthday hall and receives congratulations from the younger generation and relatives and friends. After the banquet, guests will get longevity bowls and chopsticks at home.