Because acrobats are softer than ballerinas, they can break through more physical restrictions. They can form an inner ring and act as the wheels of the prince's carriage. They can be wrapped around trees and perform snake dance ballet, just like snake jujitsu. They can use trampoline to express the rough sea. The swan ballet group dance of roller skating matches the bright and compact melody of Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky more accurately because of its smoother pace and speed change than traditional ballet, which gives the audience a strong visual impact.
The acrobatic ballet Swan Lake is based on the world-famous Oriental Swan-the top of the opponent. This program, which won the highest acrobatic award in the world-the "Golden Clown Award" in the Monte Carlo International Acrobatic Competition in Monaco, will be the main line of the whole drama, which runs through the second, third and fourth acts respectively, and the extremely difficult "Shoulder Ballet" won thousands of applause. "Shoulder Ballet" means that the "White Swan" dances lightly and gracefully on the shoulders and heads of the "Prince" without any safety measures, and shuttles back and forth between the shoulders and heads of the "Prince", rising and falling, and the charm fills the stage for a time.
As an iconic attraction of the acrobatic ballet Swan Lake, Shoulder Ballet appeared at the grand wedding celebration party of Princess Victoria of Sweden on June 13 at the invitation of the Swedish Parliament. When the "Prince" and "White Swan" with oriental faces in the acrobatic ballet Swan Lake jumped out of the "shoulder ballet", the seamless performance amazed the Swedish royal family members, officials and European leaders present and won the longest applause in the whole wedding party.