1. Open maya software and enter maya operation interface. Find the module switching option in the interface and switch to the polygon module, as shown:
2. Find the create option in the menu area of the interface, click the create menu, find the polygon primitive option in its submenu, click its drop-down arrow, and find the cylinder option in its drop-down menu, as shown:
3. Click the cylinder option and drag with the left mouse button in the workspace to create a cylinder object, as shown:
4. Select the newly created cylinder object, find the polycylinder 1 option in the properties on the right, and adjust its parameters, as shown:
5. Press the number 5 on the keyboard to display the object entity, as shown:
6. Right-click the object, select the face option in the pop-up right-click menu, and select the top cover with the left mouse button, as shown:
7. Find the edit grid menu in the menu above, click the edit grid menu, and find the stretching option in the drop-down menu, as shown:
8. Click the Extrusion option, select Zoom, select Overall Zoom, and then zoom slightly. Then, press the G key on the keyboard, select Move, and move down along the Y axis. You can see that the inside of the cup is made like this, as shown in the figure:
9. Find the "Edit Mesh" option in the menu above and the "Insert Loop Edge Tool" option in the submenu, as shown below:
10. After selecting the Insert Circular Edge Tool option, click the left mouse button on the object to add a circular edge, as shown:
1 1. Right-click the object again, select the face option in the pop-up right-click menu, select a face within two ring edges, and then find the extrusion option in the submenu of editing the grid, as shown:
12. Drag the left mouse button along the z axis on the selected surface to extrude a section, as shown:
13. Select the lower surface again to ensure that it is in an axial direction with the upper surface, repeat the operations of steps 12 and 13, and stretch the section again, as shown in the figure:
14. Find the "Insert Loop Edge Tool" option in the edit grid, as shown below:
15. Click the Insert Loop Edge Tool option to add the loop edge to the model that has just been stretched, as shown:
16, click the right mouse button on the object again, and find the face option in the pop-up right-click menu, and select the upper and lower faces respectively, as shown in the figure:
17, and then find the bridge option in the submenu of the edit grid, as shown:
18. Click the bridge option, and you can see that the cups are connected together, as shown in the figure:
19. Adjust the value of "segment" to 0 in the attribute, as shown below:
20. Press the number key 3 on the keyboard, the model will be displayed smoothly, and the water cup will be ready, as shown in the figure: