The earliest wedding rings can be traced back to ancient Egypt. At that time, people certainly didn't have precious materials such as platinum and diamonds. They all use grass roots and plant roots from all over the world to make rings as symbolic rings. Later, the ancient Romans improved this custom and began to use iron rings. Of course, the ancient wedding ring is not a symbol of love and commitment, but a prop to prove to outsiders that his wife is her husband's property. However, after thousands of years of development, the meaning of the wedding ring has evolved into a symbol of marriage and love. We have also replaced the cheap materials in the past with various precious metals and gems, giving the wedding ring a unique meaning.
It is said that the earliest wedding ring came from Christianity. Christians believe that when a priest touches the new couple's left hand with the Bible and speaks in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, it should fall on the fourth finger of the left hand, that is, the ring finger of the left hand, so people should wear a wedding diamond ring on the ring finger of the left hand. There is also a saying that the ancient Romans believed that there was a vein of love on the ring finger of the left hand, and the blood here would go straight to the heart, so the wedding ring symbolizing love should be worn here. Although this is just people's good wishes, many couples are still willing to believe this today.
In China, women's wedding rings are not worn on the ring finger of their left hand, but on the ring finger of their right hand. There may be several reasons:
First, China people traditionally think that men are left and women are right, so women should wear wedding rings on their right hands;
Second, thumb represents parents, forefinger represents brothers and sisters, little mother refers to children, and ring finger represents husband and wife;