The ancients had to stand by car, which was called longitudinal riding. Of course there are exceptions. The Book of Rites says, "Women don't ride." Probably the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled can be exceptions. There is a crossbar in front of the jade for people to lean on. This horizontal bar was made into "style" and later written as "poem" According to the etiquette system, the ancients bowed their heads hand in hand when driving, which is also called' demeanor'. The only exception is the chariot. "The Book of Rites" said: "Chariots are not of the type".
Confucius is a model of worship, so he saw the form of mourning to show sympathy for the loss of the Lord; To show respect, I saw people carrying ancient books. The Book of Rites even stipulates that a gentleman should be polite when he meets an old man by car, and get off after the Qing court. He should not rush into the city, but also help him when he reaches the inner gate. The most respectful etiquette is to get off and walk.
The ancients respected the left, the venerable person was on the left, the charioteer (coachman, similar to a coachman) was in the middle, and the other person accompanied him on the right. Accompanied by riding, also known as car rights. But this is a car that usually travels. Personnel carriers are different. The command car of the personnel carrier is the head coach in the middle, the imperial guard on the left, and a person on the right to protect the head coach, called the car right. Ordinary personnel carriers, imperial guard in the middle, a soldier on the left, a soldier on the right, a bow on the left and a spear on the right.
In addition, there are various regulations on the configuration of cars in past dynasties. What cars you take at all levels and on all occasions are customized and must not be violated at will. As recorded in some ancient books, the Emperor of Zhou owned five kinds of cars, namely Jade Road, Golden Road, Elephant Road, Leather Road and Wooden Road, which were luxuriantly decorated and in various forms, and were used for sacrifice, concierge, watching the DPRK, fighting and hunting. Generally speaking, the emperor rode six horses, the vassal rode four horses, the doctor Sanma rode two horses, and the scholar Shu Ren rode one horse. Wait, wait.
In ancient times, there was a car cover, which was mainly used to shelter from rain, like a big umbrella. The size of the hood is also specified. The higher the grade, the higher the hood. The so-called' Ma Xugao changed the car' is a high configuration.