Atfirstsight means: at first sight; At first glance. Ying Ying's definition of Atfirstsight is adverb: immediately; "This is the first time I have seen it". Atfirsky is pronounced as [_ TF _ _ STSA _ T] in English; Beautiful [_tf__rstsa_t].
First, refer to the translation point to see the details of atfirstsight.
At first glance, at first glance, immediately at first glance, at first glance, second, online interpretation.
1. (Love at first sight): In 2000, Val Kimmer and Milla Sobino starred.
At first glance (below) | At best, at most | At first glance (below) | First of all, first of all, at the beginning
Third, examples
On firstsight, you may feel youmayfeelheishardtoapproach.
At first glance, you think he is an inaccessible person.
At first glance, the characteristics of bugs seem funny.
The character of the rogue rabbit seems funny at first glance.
Fourth, lexical collocation.
Lovefirstsight is synonymous with lovefirstsight.
at the first blush
Related adjacent words of atfirstsight
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