Rose: it is a shrub of Rosa in Rosaceae; This plant is 2 meters high; Stems are thick and tufted; Branchlets densely covered with linear hairs, acupuncture and glandular hairs, prickly, pale yellow and tomentose; 5 leaflets, ovoid or obovate, long 15-45 cm, pot-shaped tooth tip, hairless at the top, depressed veins, folds, densely covered with villi and glandular hairs, stipules mostly inserted in the petiole, free from elliptic parts, with glandular serrations and hairy at the bottom; Flowers solitary leaf axils or several clusters; Bracts are ovoid, with glandular hairs on the edges and outer tomentose; Sepals are ovate-lanceolate, often pinnate lobes into leaves, with sparse hairs at the top and dense hairs and glandular hairs at the bottom; Petals are purplish red or white, fragrant, semidouble to double, obovate; Style free, hairy, slightly protruding from calyx, shorter than stamens; Rose fruit is oblate, brick red when it is mature, smooth in meat and with persistent sepals.
Suitable for growing in moist, slightly acidic, well-drained, sunny and partially shaded garden loam, but also suitable for growing in some barren soils, including sand, clay or gravel soil. Native to China, North China, Japan and South Korea. It is cultivated all over North America and Europe.
Dandelion, the scientific name of traditional Chinese medicine. Alias Huang Hua Di Ding, Po Po Ding, Hua Hua Lang and so on. Perennial herbs of Compositae. A flower head with white crown hairs on its seeds, which floats to a new place with the wind after flowering and breeds new life. It is dried whole grass of dandelion, taraxacine or several plants of the same genus. Bitter, sweet and cold. Mainly used for furuncle, toxic swelling, breast carbuncle, carbuncle swelling, conjunctival congestion, sore throat, lung carbuncle, intestinal carbuncle, damp-heat jaundice, heat stranguria and astringent pain.
Dandelion flower