In some areas, the cotton on the horse's head is tied by the woman, or some flour is sprinkled on the man's guests to show his consent to the marriage. Good luck. Marriage usually lasts three days, and the date is mostly at the end of the month. The ceremony was mainly held in the woman's home.
On the first day, accompanied by parents, relatives and friends, the groom went to the bride's house with gifts. Gifts include two newly slaughtered sheep and a cooked whole sheep; One took out the five internal organs, without peeling or roasting, with dozens of small livestock. When we are near the bride's house, we will hold a game of "grabbing sheep" and take this opportunity to throw the slaughtered sheep in front of the bride's house. Then it was warmly welcomed by the brides.
Before the wedding, the bride's relatives and friends gathered at the door to tie the knot for the bride and groom. At this time, the groom's father and brother will give gifts to these relatives and friends and ask for "release". The wedding officially began, and an elder of the man opened the skylight of the yurt with a wooden stick and took out candy, snacks and so on. From the skylight. The guests competed to share the happiness.
Then, the bride's mother will sing "Wedding Song" and hold "Talking about the River", that is, let the newlyweds sit back to back, each with a bag on his head, and everyone takes turns patting his head with sheep's hoof, and then pull it up and dance together.
After that, A Si presided over the ceremony, read out the "Nikahan" (marriage certificate) and gave both sides a glass of salt water, symbolizing that the husband and wife will grow old together and never part.
The next day, the parents of both sides will hold traditional activities such as horse racing, sheep picking and wrestling to express their congratulations.
In the evening, the bride came to her sister-in-law's house to meet the groom. At this time, the yurt was crowded with guests. People played the traditional musical instrument "Kumzi", danced and sang festive songs until late at night. When they got a gift to let the groom into the bridal chamber, they left to their hearts' content.
On the third day, the bride returned to her husband's house with a generous dowry. Every time you pass through an idyllic village along the way, you will be warmly treated and blessed. Within a few days after returning to the groom's house, a couple will be invited by relatives and friends to participate in various entertainment activities, leaving them in a long honeymoon period.