Yes, but let the person in charge of the marriage accept the watch at the inner east gate, then the son of heaven will take the lead. Because of it.
When the princess comes out, she will accept the gift of asking her name, and her husband will prepare gifts for her family. I hope you will worship again. The person in charge of marriage was sent to Inner East.
At the gate, the ambassador said: "The courtiers are in the official's house, and some are learning the rituals of their ancestors, so please ask the envoys to accept them." Kneel with a watch.
Awarded to the internal envoy. The chamberlain knelt down and entered the inner hall, and those who held geese and gifts entered. When he sent it out, the person in charge of marriage said, "I'll add divination,
The envoy asked the name. "When I came to the table, I said," There is a system. The person in charge of marriage knelt down, and the inner messenger announced which woman the emperor was.
Seal a princess. "Married people fell down, xing. When you go in, you will get a party.
That Jiyi is the same as that. The person in charge of the marriage said: "If you add divination, you will take good luck. I sincerely hope that I will dare to tell you."
The furniture is mysterious, jade and silk, riding a horse, and the appearance is like an instrument. The person in charge of the marriage delivered a speech: "The court is in the official's home, and there are
At the ceremony of ancestor worship, the special envoy asked for a bundle of silks and rode a horse to levy. The invitation said, "A minister wants to invite an auspicious day." . "
On the wedding day, my husband said to the temple, "The country is somewhere, so I dare to tell you on the wedding day." Yes, my father is addicted to the hall.
Feel free to give a warning. Husband is going out again, go to the inner east gate. The envoy was postponed until the second time, and the goose and the gift were brought to court. Today, the public
The main dress is dedicated to the first hall, and the first four worships after the emperor are distinguished. The queen lectured at will. After receiving the order, I worshipped again. downgrade
The woman was sent to the door of the inner temple and the princess was promoted. Get off at the inner east gate. My husband opened the curtains and the princess got up and got into the sedan chair. Son-in-law comes second. Goose catcher
Kneel with the wild goose to give the husband, and the husband will be collected by the wild goose and kneel in the inner envoy. The inner messenger kneels and is taught. If it's a son-in-law, pay another visit, go out first and ride back. princess
The halogen book car was sent back, and the princes and ministers sent it to the yamen. My husband is waiting at the door first. When the princess arrived, the husband opened the curtains. The princess came down and went to the same temple.
Don. Dear husband, princess, goodbye. Enter the rank, read the wish, and then worship. Out of the dormitory. Dear princess, once again.
Sit down, husband, Princess Lucy. Marrying by adoption is like a ceremony. See you again and worship again. See your aunt tomorrow. My aunt sits in the east, facing west.
The princess stood on the east and west sides and made four bows. Uncle and aunt answered two thanks. On the tenth day, Xu appeared in front of Shane and made five obeisances.
At the beginning, in the ninth year of Hongwu, Taizu took Prince Li Shanchang as the Hui and Princess Lin 'an. Tell Fengxian Hall in advance.
Two days before the next wedding, I ordered the princess to register. The day after the book was published, I went to Fengxian Hall. It was also decided to give Xu an imperial edict, and the officials of the official department held the imperial edict to set the dragon.
Pavilion, for a teacher, Xu obedient. The next day, Shan Chang and Ma Xu thanked him. 10 days later, the wedding will be invited. For 26 years,
Pay more attention. However, although the notes of musical instruments exist, there was never a ceremony to worship aunt and princess Xu in the late Ming Dynasty. Next year,
It also sets the title of princess and princess, wedding, and the rank of husband and wife.
In the second year of Hongzhi, Renhe and princess royal conferred titles and renewed their engagement documents. Xu entered the house and worshipped heaven and earth eight times. corridor
There is a princess seat in the east, west and east of Ma Xu, and the rest seats are just like the musical instruments in front. Jiajing two years, the project gave Pan An and other words:
"See the princess, xu four worship ceremony, the princess sat there two worship. Although the nobles are different, the husband and wife are divided and the ceremony is uneasy. "no
Listen. In the first year of Chongzhen, Chen Zhongsheng, the master of religion, said: "I have learned to attack, and the dawn broke on the platform outside the government."
Four worships, after the cloud arrives in March, go to class, go to the door, go to the screen and salute as before. At first, I ate in front of the princess and the princess ate in it.
In fact, Xu stood aside, and after that, the marriage was negotiated. Xu gave me a fruit and vegetable book, and the princess gave me a gift. It was rude. husband
If you get married, you are like a couple. How can you bow down for a few months, be a servant, and then get married? Four Worshipments in Wedding in Huidian.
There was no worship after the Ming Dynasty before. We are both nephews of Tian Zi Pavilion and slaves. Why should we respect the imperial court? "The emperor is his word, and he will do it forever.
Get married on a fixed date.
In the place where Xu was selected, the Ministry of Rites listed that the children of Beijing officials and soldiers were between 14 and 16 years old, with clean appearance, dignified conduct and family.
Teachers sign up and ministers will be elected in the King's Hall. If you miss it, go to Guinea, Shandong and Henan. Choose three people, Qin
One person will be appointed and the other two will be sent to this place for Confucian education. Since the declaration of virtue, Ma Xu began to have teaching practice, and he used academic officials to do it. legitimate
Later, Xu was sent to prison to study and practice. After six years of invitation, I decided to have a person in charge of the etiquette department to teach in Fuma House.