If the open space does not belong to cultivated land, in order to improve the land use value, it is not necessary to consider the characteristics of adjacent parks too much in commercial opening. After all, there are not many people in the park, and the seasonal restrictions on people coming here are also relatively strong.
Some suggestions:
1. steel wedding hall+outdoor wedding scene. If the neighboring hotels have more development prospects, you can even consider joint operation with hotels.
2. A big playground. If you don't have it in the park, you have an advantage. You just need to harden the ground and rent it out. Some lighting effects can be arranged in summer.
3. Parking lot. This investment is the least, and it can be operated temporarily for a long time. But you must know something about the local traffic.
4. Small commodity market or vegetable market, this should consider the situation of surrounding households, and it will take a long time to improve market popularity.