Eight-word word
These eight words are as follows:

If you eat a bowl and watch the pot, you can't run away from the temple. People who don't have long-term considerations will have immediate concerns. Things that have nothing to do with themselves will be hung high. If the tree is repaired for a hundred years, the poor and the good will not come. They will know everything. If they are not in their place, they will not seek politics by themselves. Everyone will shout and fight when crossing the road, and they will be as quiet as a virgin. Xiao He will fail if he succeeds, and will not do what he wants to do to others. He will rely on mountains to draw water and take a sudden move.

Turn a blind eye to see Mount Tai, be strict with yourself and be lenient with others, no pains, no gains, unique, lingering, people die for wealth, birds eat for food, a blessing in disguise, how to know what is a blessing, the rise and fall of the world, every man is responsible, a gentleman is quick to say, the prince is guilty of breaking the law, Shu Ren is guilty, and the ugly daughter-in-law wants to see her in-laws for three days and fish for two days to dry the net.

Three points are like ghosts, dogs can't spit out ivory, three days of fishing can't catch the sun, there is nowhere to go up and down, hundreds of feet are dead but not stiff, help others more, help others less, it's hard to make up for the defeat, a word is spoken, it's hard to catch up, one foot is shorter than one inch, and the ears are empty, and there is no future.