The big city can't be finished, Zhou Guo can't be opened to the outside world, the interior can't be crossed, the arrow can't be closed, and the palace wall can't be closed without repair. Therefore, if the big city is not finished, the thief will seek it; When Zhou surrounded the pond, the treacherous court official escaped from the moment; If the domain is horizontal, there will be more thieves; There is no connection between men and women, and there is no difference between men and women. The palace wall is unprepared and the closure is not solid. Although there are good goods, we can't keep them.
Therefore, if the situation is wrong, then the wicked will be willing; If the punishment is forbidden, the simple and slow people will be neat; If the constitution makes it clear, barbarians dare not commit crimes; Those who believe in it will be rewarded, and those who are meritorious will be persuaded; If you teach many customs, you will change people unconsciously.
Therefore, the monarch took the upper position and punished the widow. It is not punishable without punishment, and it is not punishable without punishment. If a wise monarch closes his door, blocks his paintings and traces his deeds, the people will not accept the land of prostitution. It is only natural to do good by the people. Therefore, the punishment for crimes is limited by the people.
Carry out its fields, regard its cultivation as wrong, plan its cultivation, and hungry countries can know it. Its cultivation is not deep, it is unwilling to go on, the land is no longer available, the grass field is filthy, the tiller does not need to be fat, the barren people do not need to be shackled, and the wild people are accused of their fields. Although there are many grasslands and few fields, they long for the wilderness. If there are few people, it is not enough to keep your own land. If there are many people, the poor in the country will starve.
In this case, if there is a flood or drought, the people will not accept it; Those who are not enough to defend their cities are unstable. Hungry people can't fight. If the people are scattered and don't accept it, this country will be Xu Qiu. Therefore, if you have land, you can rule the country, and if you don't work hard, you will be parasitic. Therefore: walk in its fields, see its cultivation, count its cultivation, and know it when you are hungry.
Look at its mountains and rivers, see its Sang Ma, count its six preparations, and know the wealth of the country. The mountains and rivers are vast, and the vegetation grows easily. Mulberry and hemp are easy to grow if the soil is fertile. Recommend more grass, and then the six animals will be easy to breed. Although the mountains are wide, the vegetation can't help but be fertile. Sang Ma doesn't count; Although there are many recommended grasses, six animals have signs, and the door of goods is closed.
Therefore, "the goods are not right." Although there are many treasures, they are called poor countries. Therefore, as the saying goes, "Look at its mountains and rivers, see its Sang Ma, and count the output of its six livestock, and the rich and poor countries can know."
When in Rome, do as the Romans do, you can see palaces, horses and chariots, and clothes, but you can know the extravagant and thrifty country. A country with a big city and shallow land is not enough to feed its people. Where the metropolitan area is large but few people, their people are not enough to defend their cities. The palace camp is big and there are few rooms, and its rooms are not enough to understand its palace. There are too many people and too few rooms to live in.
There are fewer warehouses and more pavilions, and their warehouses are not enough for their expenses. Therefore, as the saying goes, "there is no accumulation in the Lord, and there is beauty in the palace; There is nothing accumulated at home, but the clothes are repaired; The riders are decorating and watching; Moxibustion is miscellaneous and literary; Those who have less capital but use more in the end are also wasting national customs. "
Luxury means spending money, spending money means people are poor, and people are poor and cunning. Therefore, the birth of evil spirits is born because of lack of food; Born of scarcity, born of luxury; Born in luxury, born in luxury; Therefore, it is urgent for the state to judge and measure, save clothes and use, and prohibit extravagance and waste. If not, you can't use the country.
Therefore, "when you enter a country, you can see the palace, horses and chariots, and clothes, and you can know the country of extravagance and thrift."
The fierce hunger in class, the number of teachers' service, the view of Taiwan and the library, and the amount of national expenses only know the empty country. There are thousands of people in the field, and the edible land is 50 miles, which is enough. Less than 10,000 people are a mountain. If you have more than ten thousand families, you can go to Yamazawa. He who knows the wilderness and the people have nothing to accumulate, the country is small and shallow.
If the land is semi-cultivated, the people have more food and more corn, the country will be vast and the food will be abundant. Those who have a big country but no wild land must have good goods and good interests. Those who have a vast territory and a shortage of people are given a heavy burden, and those who have fled to Tibet are also given a heavy burden. Therefore, they said, "The millet travels for three hundred miles, and the country does not accumulate for one year; The millet travels for four hundred miles, and the country does not accumulate for two years; When the millet travels five hundred miles, people will be hungry. " One third of its crops are dead, which is a bit fierce.
Small fierce for three years and big fierce, big fierce, and then everyone has a big legacy. If you are a teacher and do nothing, you will die. If one of the crops dies instead of covering up the product, Tao will be harmful to the barren land. What a teacher doesn't understand for three years, unless there is enough food, then the people will have sons.
So: "Although the mountain is near. Although the vegetation is beautiful, there must be a degree in the palace, and it is necessary to ban hair. What is this? He said: "You can't cut down big trees alone, you can't do it alone, you can't sing big trees alone, and you can't add trees to thin walls. "
Therefore: "although the mountains and rivers are wide and the vegetation is beautiful, it is necessary to ban hair from time to time; Although the country is full, although there are many treasures, the palace must be measured; Although the rivers and seas are wide, the pools are rich and there are many fish and turtles. " Ship nets can't be made at one time. Non-private vegetation loves fish and turtles, and hates waste valley people.
Therefore, he said, "Bomin, the author of the forbidden mountain by the late king, was born in the valley." People don't eat the valley, the valley doesn't live in the land, the land doesn't move, the people don't work hard to make money, and everything in the world comes from hard work; Strength comes from labor, so the Lord doesn't spend money and the people don't rest, so he said, "Those who confront each other on the stage resent each other."
If the people have no surplus grain, they will be banned, and those who have left it will be overwhelmed. If Tao is harmful to barren people, its defense need not be strong. So there is no need to order, ban, fight, keep or be in danger. Therefore, as the saying goes, "If you are hungry in class, you can count the teachers' services, take a look at pavilions and measure the country's expenditure, and you can know the empty country. "
Enter the state, observe the custom, and listen to the reasons why people change it. And the country that governs chaos can be known. Nowhere in the state, nowhere to go. If you can't help it, you will rob the thief, and those who attack the thief will not win. Eating grain water, digging wells in the lanes, connecting fields, lush trees, destroyed palace walls, unlocked doors, and self-righteous internal and external traffic.
I don't travel far in my hometown, I don't have a scholar's home, I don't meet at any time, I don't gather for funerals, I don't have strict punishment, and I don't support myself. Therefore, if you don't respect the account ceremony, the people are not sincere, and the township sages are not young, and the scholars can't do it. If the goods and wealth are in China, the law will be broken by officials. Please be above, and the party is below. The township officials can't control it, and the people don't follow it; This land of national subjugation and kingslaying is left to its own devices.
Therefore, as the saying goes, "When you enter the state, you can observe the customs, and you can know the reason why the people are on it."
When you enter the imperial court, look around, ask the ministers of this dynasty, and discuss the high and low, the strong and weak countries can know. To work hard for the upper class and reward yourself for the lower class is to break down from overwork and not do your best. Governance behavior, rank below, then Hao Jie is a minister and does not do whatever he wants. If you are left or right, regardless of function, if you have a title, people will complain. This is not to belittle and despise Lu.
People who are rich in gold and jade, goods and wealth, regardless of ambition or not, will have a noble salary, which will be light to order and heavy to destroy the legal system. People with great power, regardless of their ability, will be honored, and then the people will double their professionalism and seek external power. Overworked people don't try their best. Then the soldiers won't fight. If you don't try your best, you can't treat it internally. People complain a lot and don't pay attention to the humble position, so don't persuade the public.
If the order is light and the legal system is destroyed, then you should not use envoys and ministers should not serve you. If the people seek foreign power by redoubling their own businesses, the feelings of the country will be exhausted in the enemy country. Therefore, it is said that "when you enter the imperial court, look around, ask the ministers of this dynasty, discuss the high and low, and know the strong and weak countries."
Make laws and give orders, serve the people, count their majesty and generosity, and know whether they are good for the people. Law and space harm alienation, so that a cloth will survive without listening, and those who are humble and have no merit will be rich, while the public will be light and the upper position will be dangerous. Therefore: "fertile land is not a soldier, and three years of soldiers are weak." Reward and punish those who don't believe, and break it in five years. Selling titles in the market, he died in ten years.
The era of human relations and animal nature comes out in ten years. "Invincible, weak. Four chop, into the princes, broken also. Leave the country, move to the capital, and then die. Some people have different surnames, so they are ruined. So he said, "I also know that a man is not for him, but not for him." "
Counting enemies, measuring intentions, inspecting the country, and inspecting people's property are all insufficient, and the country where they live can be known. The enemy country is strong or weak, the remonstrator dies and respects the minister, while the adultery is destroyed by public law. However, the enemy country does not rely on its relatives, the enemy country is not afraid of its strength, the hero is uneasy, and the hardworking people do not care about its wealth. If you like vendors and don't do business properly, the people will steal things without accumulating.
If a hero is uneasy about his position, then a good minister will come out. If a hard-working person doesn't value his salary, then a soldier doesn't need it. If people don't steal things, the warehouse will be empty. If so, you won't change it. However, the thief robbed the thief, and the remnant thief made progress. If there are no good ministers at home, soldiers are not needed, warehouses are empty, and there are worries about strong enemies outside, then the country will not survive and will self-destruct.
Therefore, it is said, "Count your enemies and yourself, measure your intentions, examine the foundation of your country, and observe all the advantages and disadvantages of your people's products, so you can know the country where you live.
Therefore, eight people view the country of the master, and the master does not hide his feelings. "
The walls of the inner city must be solid and complete, there must be no gaps around the outer city, the boundaries of the inner city must not be placed horizontally, the gates must be closed, and the courtyard walls and gates must be renovated. Because the inner city is incomplete, troublemakers will plot evil; If there is a gap in the outer city, people who cross the border can act.
The boundaries in the forest are freely crossed, and looting and theft will not stop; If the door is not closed and there is free communication inside and outside, there will be no boundaries between men and women; The walls of the courtyard are not prepared and the doors are not firm. Although there are valuable goods, we can't keep them. Therefore, objective circumstances make it impossible for people to do evil, and evil people can be honest and law-abiding; Prohibition and punishment are dignified, and those who ignore the law and discipline can behave themselves.
Strict laws, barbarians dare not violate; If the reward is faithful and firm, the meritorious person will be encouraged; There are indeed many people who are educated, abide by customs, and let the people influence them subtly.
Therefore, with a wise monarch in power, there are always few penalties, which does not mean that there is no penalty when the penalty is used, and there is no penalty when the penalty is used; But the wise monarch closed the door of crime, blocked the road of crime, eliminated the influence of crime, and made the people have no reason to contact the evil environment, so the people embarked on the right path and did good deeds, as if from their own nature. Therefore, there are few crimes and punishments, and the population is still stable.
Patrol a country's fields, look at its farming conditions and calculate its agricultural output, and you can distinguish between hungry countries. The cultivated land is not deep, and weeding is not diligent; There are no types of land suitable for planting, and the future land is very chaotic. Cultivated land is not necessarily fertile, wasteland is not necessarily barren.
According to the population, land is finally available, with more wasteland and less cultivated land. Even without floods, droughts and natural disasters, this is the land of a hungry country. Such a country, with a small population, cannot protect its territory; If there is a large population, the poor will starve. In case of another flood and drought, the people will be isolated and refuse to come back. If the people can't defend their homes, the city defense will not be consolidated; One can't go to war on an empty stomach.
If the people are separated and don't come back, the country will become a ruin. Therefore, owning land to rule the country without paying attention to agricultural production is a parasitic monarch. Therefore, a hungry country can be distinguished by visiting its fields, watching its cultivation and calculating its agricultural output.
Patrol a country's mountains, lakes and rivers, watch its Sang Ma growth, count its livestock output, and distinguish between the rich and the poor. Mountains and lakes are vast, and vegetation is easy to multiply; If the land is fertile, Sang Ma will grow easily; When the grass is lush, it is easy for six animals to flourish. There is no ban on logging in a wide mountain area.
Although the land is fertile, it is not suitable for planting mulberry and hemp; Although there are many pastures, it is necessary to pay taxes to raise six animals; This is equivalent to blocking the road of wealth and goods. Therefore, the daily products are insufficient, and although there are many treasures, they can only be called poor countries. So, patrol a country's mountains and lakes to see its Sang Ma growth, and calculate its six livestock output; Rich countries and poor countries can be distinguished.
Enter the capital of a country, inspect its palaces, see its horses, chariots and clothes; A thrifty country can be distinguished. If the city is big and the farmland is small, the farmland can't support those people; If the city is big and there are few residents, the residents can't defend that city; The yard is big, but there are few houses. Houses can't enrich that yard.
There are many houses and few residents, and residents can't live in those houses; There are few granaries and many pavilions, and the grain reserves can't supply those wasted money. So the monarch has no savings, but his palace is gorgeous, while the people have no savings, but their clothes are very particular. Passengers dress up the appearance of their cars, and pedestrians wear colorful clothes. Less agricultural products, more luxury goods.
This is the custom of luxury countries. National luxury leads to expenditure waste, which leads to people's poverty, and people's poverty leads to evil thoughts, which leads to evil and clever behavior. Therefore, the emergence of evil and evil cleverness is because of poverty; Poverty is caused by luxury; Luxury comes about because there is no system.
Therefore, it is urgent to clarify the system and standards, practise economy, practise economy and prohibit extravagance and waste. If you don't understand this truth, don't let him run the country. So, enter a country's capital, inspect its palace, and look at its horses, chariots and clothes; A thrifty country can be distinguished.
Investigate the famine situation in famine years, count the number of military service personnel, inspect pavilions and buildings, and calculate the cost of financial expenditure; Realistic countries can be distinguished. In rural areas with a population of 10,000, five miles of arable land is enough. Those with less than 10,000 households can count the land of mountains and rivers; If it exceeds 10,000 households, Yamazawa should be excluded.
The country where all the land has been reclaimed and the people still have no savings is because the land is small and there is little arable land; Only half of the land has been reclaimed, and the grain is more than enough. The country with abundant millet is because of its large territory and much cultivated land. Although the land is large, the wasteland is not reclaimed because the monarch pursues wealth and goods and his subjects are profitable.
Although the land was reclaimed and the people were short of food, it was because the court imposed heavy taxes and the people sold the stored food. Therefore, the grain has traveled as far as 300 miles, and the national grain reserve is not enough for one year; The grain runs as far as 400 miles, and the national grain reserve is not enough for half a year; People are hungry when food is transported 500 miles away.
In a country, one-third of crops fail, which is called the year of minor disasters; Three small bad years are equal to one big bad year. People will starve to death on the road in a disaster year. One in ten people in a country join the army, three in ten people will leave agricultural production and one in three crops will fail. A third of the crops have failed, and without the grain stored in the old year, bodies will be abandoned on the road.
One in ten people join the army and will not be discharged for three years. If there is no surplus grain, people will also sell their children and women. Therefore, we should ask: although the forest is close and the vegetation is good, there must be a limit to building a palace, and there must be an opportunity to cut down forests and close mountains. What is the reason?
Answer: Because big trees can't be cut by one person's labor, can't be lifted by one person's labor, and can't be transported by one person's labor; Large timber cannot be used in small buildings.
Therefore, although the mountains are wide and the vegetation grows well, the closed development must be timed; Although the country is rich and happy ever after, the construction of palaces is bound to be limited; Although the rivers and seas are wide, the ponds are large and there are many fish and turtles, the fishing industry must be managed by officials; People with boats and nets can't make a living by a single financial path. This is not a preference for plants, fish and turtles, but a fear that people will waste food production.
Therefore, the former king restricted logging and fishing activities in the mountains so that people could specialize in food production. People can't grow food without food, can't grow food without land, can't plow without land, and can't get wealth without hard work. Wealth comes from the use of labor, and labor comes from the body of workers.
Therefore, the monarch's unlimited use of wealth means that the people make endless efforts. Therefore, the distance between towers, pavilions and pavilions is relative, which is the mutual hatred between the monarch and the people. If the people have no food to save, the national ban may not take effect; If people starve to death, foreign wars cannot be won. If a body is abandoned on the road, the defense cannot be strong.
However, the law cannot be enforced, Fukashi is forbidden, the war cannot be won, the prevention cannot be guaranteed, and it never rains but it pours. Therefore, by investigating the famine situation in famine years, calculating the number of military service personnel, watching the construction of pavilions, and calculating the cost of financial expenditure, we can distinguish the reality from the reality of the country.
When you enter a state or province of a country, observe its customs and learn how its people are educated, you can distinguish a country that is in chaos. There is no partition wall between States, no internal doors, irregular access, and no management in the morning and evening; It is impossible to control those who rob, steal, beat or hurt others.
Eating water from the same valley, digging a well in an alley, the fields are connected with the garden, the trees are dense, the courtyard wall is damaged, the gate is not closed, and the inside and outside are casual; There are no laws and regulations on the boundaries between men and women. There are no officials in the countryside, no schools in the village, no meetings on time, no people in mourning robes get together, and the punishment is not strict, so there is no way to create a harmonious fashion of respecting the virtuous and respecting the long.
Therefore, if the wedding is not serious, people will not pay attention to shame; Scholars don't choose talents through villages and don't pay attention to character; Bribery of goods and goods is popular in China, and laws and regulations are corrupted by the government; Please spread the wind of doing things above, and cronyism will develop below; If township officials don't practice the rule of law, the people won't obey orders. These are all the reasons why the national subjugation and regicide happened.
Therefore, enter a country's state and village, observe the customs and habits, and understand how its people receive the above education; The country that governs chaos can be distinguished.
Come to the court of a country, observe the monarch's left and right, study the officials of the dynasty, and analyze what the court values and despises; Strong countries and weak countries can be distinguished. If you have more merits, you will be rewarded. If you have more merits, you will not be diligent. Political achievements are good, rank is second, and heroes are not dedicated.
The monarch's minions and attendants, regardless of merit and ability, all enjoy the title, and the people will resent, criticize and despise it; Merchants who sell gold and jade goods, regardless of their moral conduct, enjoy titles, order is ignored, and the legal system is destroyed; People who hold power, regardless of their abilities, will steal high positions, and people will abandon their own teams and take refuge in foreign forces.
Those accomplished ministers are unwilling to try their best, and soldiers refuse to fight; The hero minister does not try his best and his internal affairs are unclear; If the people resent, criticize and despise the title, the monarch can't convince the people; If your orders are ignored and the legal system is destroyed, the monarch cannot order his adjutant, and his adjutant cannot be loyal to the monarch; When people abandon their country and take refuge in foreign forces, the actual situation of the country will be completely controlled by the enemy.
So, when you come to a country's court, observe the monarch's left and right, study the officials of the dynasty, and analyze what the court values and despises, and the strength of the country can be distinguished.
According to the monarch's legislation and the political people's situation, investigate whether his reward and punishment policy has been implemented among the people; A country that can distinguish between prosperity and decline. The law exists in name only, only hurting the alienated people; Although the order has been made, the listener is safe and sound; Give Lu a title casually, and those who fail will get rich; Then, people must despise the law, and the monarchy is in danger.
Therefore, fertile land does not reward soldiers, and its strength is weak for three years; Rewards and punishments are not true, and the country has broken for five years; The monarch sold the official title and the country was in danger for seven years; Violate ethical codes, animals are worse than animals, and die after ten years. Invincible is cowardice; The land was divided and ruined; It is dangerous to flee one's own country and move the capital; The regime is occupied by people with different surnames, which is collapse.
Therefore, according to the monarch's legislation and rule over the people, it is necessary to examine whether his reward and punishment policy has been implemented among the people; A country that can distinguish between prosperity and decline.
Assess enemy countries and allies, understand the will of the monarch, inspect the situation of agriculture, and see if the people's property is surplus or insufficient; Living countries can be distinguished. The enemy is strong and the allies are weak. The outspoken minister is dead and the Arab minister is favored. Private interests prevail and public law is destroyed.
For such a country, the allies will no longer rely on the good relations of their allies, the enemies will not be afraid of its strength, the heroes will be uneasy, and the accomplished ministers will no longer miss his title. When the monarch prefers businessmen to agriculture, people will live in peace instead of saving. If the hero is uneasy, the good minister will leave.
If a minister with many achievements does not cherish his title, the soldier will not be able to do it; If people steal peace and don't devote themselves to saving, the granary will be empty. In this way, if the monarch refuses to reform, then people who rob, steal, maim the people and seek political power will rise. Internally, there are no good ministers in the DPRK, the soldiers are ineffective, the granary is empty, and there are worries about strong enemies abroad, so we have to do nothing.
Therefore, measure the enemy and allies, understand the will of the monarch, investigate the situation of agriculture, and see if the people's property is surplus or insufficient; Living countries can be distinguished.
Therefore, if we look at a country governed by a monarch from these eight aspects, the monarch can't hide his true situation.