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Cleft lip and palate is a common congenital defect and the most curable one, which can be roughly divided into cleft lip (or rabbit lip or rabbit flap), cleft palate and cleft lip and palate.
In fact, cleft lip and palate is a probability problem, because there are many aspects in the process of embryonic development that cannot be prevented or detected by medical technology. Generally speaking, the causes of cleft lip and palate are not clear, only that some of them are influenced by genetic or environmental factors.
Cleft lip and palate is a common congenital malformation, which can generally be repaired by surgery. Rabbit lips, commonly known as "rabbit lips", mainly show cracks in the baby's lips; Cleft palate, commonly known as "wolf pharynx", is mainly manifested in the whole or part of the baby's jaw. Rabbit lip is probably the general people's cognition of cleft lip and palate patients.
What exactly is cleft lip and palate? It is understood that human lips are gradually connected to the midline of the body from the tissues on both sides during the early development of the embryo. When the embryo fails to reach the connection according to the scheduled progress, various cracks will appear, such as cleft lip and cleft palate.
Because cleft lip and palate will affect the growth and development of jaw and teeth, resulting in congenital missing teeth, multiple deformed teeth, tooth decay, maxillary dysplasia, dental arch stenosis, multiple embedded teeth and other malocclusion, orthodontic treatment is almost one of the essential treatment methods for patients with cleft lip and palate.
Cleft lip and palate is the most common facial congenital malformation. Bunny will have rabbit lips, a flat nose and a distorted shape. However, after cleft lip repair and plastic surgery at the age of 3 months, the appearance of lips and nose will tend to be normal.
It is said that the formation of cleft lip and palate is related to the mother's taking scissors, nailing, moving the house and moving the cabinet during pregnancy. However, this statement is pure speculation and not credible. It will only cause parents' guilt and excessive self-blame, and it will not help to reduce the incidence of cleft lip and palate.
The purpose of early treatment of dentition is to block unhealthy growth, arrange dentition for cleaning and cooperate with alveolar bone grafting. When the upper and lower incisors are arranged neatly.
Orthodontic treatment often needs to be suspended for a period of time until all primary teeth are replaced with permanent teeth before continuing the second stage of orthodontic treatment. If the patients cooperate well and can maintain oral hygiene and follow up regularly, the second stage of treatment should be completed within two years.