Str _ split— Converts a string into an array.
Array? str_split(? String? $string? [,? int? $split_length? =? 1]? ) String: Enter a string.
Split_length: the length of each segment.
Return value
If the optional split_length parameter is specified, each element in the returned array is a character block with the length split_length; Otherwise, each character block is a single character. ?
Returns FALSE if split_length is less than 1. If the split_length parameter exceeds the string and exceeds the length of the string, the entire string will be returned as the only element of the array. ?
Use example:
$str? =? "hello? The world ";
$arr? =? str _ split($ str);
print _ r($ arr); The above code will be output.
[0] = >H
[ 1] = >e
[2] = >l
[3] = >l
[4] = >o
[5] = >
[6] = >W
[7] = >o
[8] = >r
[9] = >l
[ 10] = >d