Spacecraft seats and spacesuits in the cabin are specially made according to the figure of female astronauts. The height and distance of the female astronaut's urine collection system have also been adjusted, and she is also equipped with chocolate, dessert and blood-enriching products. According to the needs of this mission, Shenzhou III sent sanitary products and a small amount of non-toxic cosmetics to the female astronauts. After make-up, the psychological state of female astronauts may be better. The space environment has no ozone layer to isolate ultraviolet rays, and there is no geomagnetic field to resist the solar wind, resulting in radiation much higher than the earth environment.
Weightlessness has a great influence on the equipment related to fluid flow on spacecraft. Using the conditions of weightlessness in space, some scientific research and material processing that are difficult or impossible to realize on the ground can be carried out, such as growing high-purity large single crystals, manufacturing ultra-pure metals and superconducting alloys, and preparing special biopharmaceuticals. The state of weightlessness provides favorable conditions for assembling spacecraft with huge structures in space. Spacecraft in orbit around the earth or in interstellar space are in a state of continuous weightlessness.
In the orbit around the earth, only the center of mass of the spacecraft is in zero gravity, and other parts get slight acceleration relative to the center of mass, because their centripetal force is not completely equal to the gravity of the earth, which is a microgravity state. The real weightlessness simulation should make the interaction between different parts of the human body disappear, especially the interaction between organs and internal organs. In this case, otoliths in human vestibular organs lose their directional function because they are no longer in contact with surrounding nerve cells and transmit signals to the central nervous system.