Advantages of dental implants:
1, saving time: the denture can be put on after the implant is implanted, without healing time, and it can be chewed normally immediately after the implant.
2. Comfortable feeling: After the implant is completed, the teeth feel like natural teeth, and there is no need to cut and grind the adjacent teeth, and there is no damage to the adjacent teeth, and there is no need for the base drag and clasp necessary for the removable denture.
3. Long-term maintenance of chewing function: strong retention and stability, effectively restoring the chewing function of teeth, and can be rooted in the patient's mouth like real teeth.
4, easy to clean: cleaning dental implants is like cleaning natural teeth, unlike traditional removable dentures that need to be taken off for cleaning.
5, the pain is small: the dental implant surgery is very small, no hospitalization is needed, the pain during the operation is small, and you can eat after the operation.
You must choose a regular beauty salon for the operation on your teeth, because the capillaries and nerves on your teeth are well developed. A little carelessness will cause some unnecessary situations, which will not only have a negative impact on the surgical effect, but also harm human health in serious cases.