Excessive sun exposure increases melanin in the bottom layer of the skin and gradually accumulates on the top layer of the skin. Most of them are flat or blocky, and the color is
Brown or brown, this is the usual sunburn. Medical sunburn is solar dermatitis, also known as solar erythema. Exposed skin appears erythema, edema and other symptoms, followed by chaff-like desquamation and skin pigmentation. Sunburn is formed by sunlight or other light irradiation, which is an acute injury reaction of the skin to strong light irradiation and a photosensitive skin disease.
Exposure to the sun will make the pigment mother cells in the basal layer of skin epidermis secrete more melanin, which will lead to the formation of black spots if it cannot be metabolized normally and smoothly. At a young age, the sun does not necessarily cause spots. Even if you have a slight sunburn, it will gradually disappear because you are young and have a fast metabolism. But after thirty or forty years old, due to the internal influence, melanin is secreted more. If you often bask in the sun, your skin's metabolism will not be smooth, and black spots will naturally form.