Abstract: Chicken breast refers to the forward protrusion of the sternum, which is a deformed development. Chicken breast will not only cause scoliosis and deform the patient's bones, but may also cause cardiovascular and respiratory problems in the patient. disease. After the occurrence of chicken breast, corrective measures must be taken promptly according to the patient's actual condition. So, what are the more commonly used methods to correct chicken breasts? Let’s find out together! What is pectus carinatum
Pesta pectus carinatum in children is a common condition characterized by protrusion of the sternum and low and flat chest walls on both sides. In mild cases, the appearance is unsightly; in severe cases, the chest volume is reduced, lung development is limited (children before 8 years old may have increased alveolar volume), often suffer from bronchitis or pneumonia, poor exercise tolerance, and low resistance.
The cause of chicken breast
A few children have congenital chicken breast, and most children have chicken breast caused by rickets. Children's bones in infancy and early childhood are composed of cartilage. If the supply of vitamin D and calcium is neglected or insufficient at this time, calcium and phosphorus absorption will be hindered, osteomalacia will occur, and the connection between the chest ribs and the sternum will be inverted, causing the sternum to lordosis. , forming chicken breasts.
Symptoms of chicken breast
Most chicken breasts are not discovered after birth like pectus excavatum, and are often gradually noticed after the age of five or six. Generally, chicken breast rarely causes symptoms of compression of the heart and lungs. Severe disease of chicken breast often causes repeated upper respiratory tract infections and bronchial wheezing, poor activity tolerance, and fatigue easily. What's more important is that the patient has a huge mental burden due to the deformity.
Chicken breast is the opposite of pectus excavatum. The sternum protrudes forward. There are generally two types. The first is an ordinary thorax with a keel-like protrusion, that is, the lower part of the sternum moves forward more obviously than the upper part. The protrusion of the attachment part of the xiphoid process is often the most obvious. The longitudinal surface of the pectoral muscle is arched, and the 4 to 8 costal cartilages on both sides are in the shape of a deep concave groove parallel to the sternum, making the protruding part more obvious, like a giant hand. The sternum was lifted up and the costal cartilage on both sides was crushed. Another kind of chicken breast is relatively rare. The manubrium of the sternum, the upper part of the sternum body and the costal cartilage of the upper chest protrude forward and upward, while the middle part of the sternum body bends backward, and the lower part of the pectoral muscle protrudes forward. The sagittal plane of the sternum is in a "Z" shape. , the costal cartilages on both sides are also sunken inward, so some people call this type of deformity pectus excavatum.
The dangers of chicken breasts
In addition to affecting the appearance of the body, severe chicken breasts have a certain impact on the circulation and respiratory functions due to the inwardly concave ribs on both sides that oppress the heart and lungs. Children are prone to fatigue and recurrent respiratory infections.
Chest wall deformities that affect breathing and circulation, such as pectus excavatum, pectus carinatum, pectoralis cleft, etc., in addition to the mental burden and personality impact caused by the deformity, the damage of the deformity itself to the respiratory and circulatory functions also requires surgical correction.
How to correct chicken breasts
1. Mild chicken breasts can be corrected by doing health exercises. The most commonly used health exercises at present are breathing exercises. Maintain a standing posture, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, then relax your body, gently lie your arms forward until they are flat on the top of your head, and then exhale slowly. You can do it several times a day, and you can do it for 10 minutes each time.
2. Equipment exercises are also a good way to correct chicken breasts. You can use push-ups or dumbbell raises for exercises. If you have good physical strength, you can also use somersaults on single and parallel bars. To practice, it is better to practice on an empty stomach. But you must control the amount of exercise every day and avoid overexertion. If the patient has a place for running, he can also jog 3 kilometers a day to enhance visceral activity, expand breathing volume, and improve thoracic dysplasia.
3. Younger people can use external instruments to compress the chest to correct pectus carinatum. In general, a special corrective vest can be worn to alleviate the deformity. The effect of this method is very slow, so it is not recommended for adults or older children to use this method for correction.
Note: Most severe cases of pectus carinatum can be treated surgically after the age of three. Under normal circumstances, satisfactory results can be achieved through systematic corrective therapy or surgical treatment.
Prevention of Chicken Breasts
1. Insist on breastfeeding. Insist on supplementing with vitamin D every day. Although breast milk contains small amounts of calcium and phosphorus, the ratio of the two is appropriate (2:1) and is easily absorbed by the infant.
2. Mothers should eat a nutritious diet and get more sun during pregnancy and lactation.
3. Increase children’s outdoor activity time and expose them to more sunlight.
4. Add complementary foods to children on time.