Taiyin House, Yue De, Chen Wei is punished. The contours of Germany and Japan are self-defeating, and the soft Japanese immigrants are invincible. Punishment, the wood of water, the water of wood, gold and fire stand in its place. Where the immortals migrate, Zhu bird is in front of the lunar calendar, Gou Chen is in the last three, Xuanwu is in the first five, White Tiger is in the last six, and the imaginary star takes Gou Chen, and heaven and earth attack. Every day, A is firm, B is soft, C is firm and D is soft, so it's embarrassing. Wood was born in Shanghai, stronger than Mao, and died before, and all three are wood. Fire is born in yin, stronger than noon, and dies in deficiency, all of which are fire. Born in the afternoon, stronger than the sky, died in the shade, all three were born in the ground. Gold is born in three, stronger than one, and dies in ugliness. All three are gold. Water is stronger than Shen, and it is stronger than Zi. When you die in Chen, all three Chen are water. So five wins make one, five strong, nine sure. In 5945, God moved for another forty-five days, and three should be five, so he moved for another eight days and died. Anyone who uses the lunar calendar, the left front punishment, the right back morality, and the hook Chen Zhichong Chen will win the battle and conquer it. If you want to know the way of heaven, focus on the day, be careful in June, and go around in the left, and divide it into December, which is equivalent to the day. If heaven and earth attack again, it will be harmless afterwards.
Star, camp in the first month, Wei Xiao and Lou in February, stomach in March, Dongjing in May, Zhang in June, Wing in July, Kang in August, House in September, End of October, Petunia in November, and Xu in December. Star graduation, horn twelve, high nine, high fifteen, room five, heart five, tail eighteen, basket fourteen, bucket twenty-six, morning glory eight, beard twelve, imaginary ten, dangerous seventeen, camp sixteen, east wall nine, kui sixteen, building twelve, stomach fourteen, high eleven, finish sixteen.
The names of the stars are Jiao, Kang Zheng, Bian, Wei, Dou, Yue, Xu, Wei, Wei, Wei, Wei, Wei, Wei, Wei, Wei, Wei Xiao, Lou, Wei, Bi, Wei, Wei. The place where Lao Xing lived was full of grain and a torrent, but it was a disaster. Live without living, and the further you go, the country will die. The lunar calendar governs spring, so it should be warm and cool; If the lunar calendar governs summer, it wants to give publicity; If the lunar calendar governs autumn, it is necessary to prepare soldiers; If the lunar calendar dominates winter, it is strong and resolute. At the age of three, I changed my mind; At the age of six, I changed my mind; So, when I was three years old, I was hungry; Six years old, I failed; When I was twelve, I was healthy. Qi Jia, Yi Dongyi, Bing Chu, Ding Nanyi, E Wei, Han Ji, Geng Qin, New Yi Xi, Ren Wei and Gui Yue. Zizhou, Qiu Zhai, Yin Chu, Mao Zheng, Jin Chen, Si Wei, Wu Qin, Wei Song, Shen Qi, You Lu, Zhao Xu, Hai Yan. Party A, Party B, Party B and Party B; At noon, the fire is also; Wuji four seasons, soil also; Geng Xin Shen You, Jin Ye; I don't care about the sea, and neither does the water. Aquatic wood, wood fires, fire produces soil, soil produces gold, and gold produces water. The son gives birth to the mother's righteousness, the mother protects the son, the son is specialized, the mother wins the son system, and the son wins the mother. If you win, you will be killed. If you win, you will not be rewarded. If you specialize, you will be refined and make contributions. Governing the country with righteousness, standing by and not falling in name. In order to protect livestock, everything flourishes, great things are difficult to achieve, and death is shattered. Beidou God has men and women. It was founded in 1 1 month, and a month begins with a morning. Men to the left and women to the right. Ask for punishment in the afternoon of May and ask for virtue in November. Taiyin House is a land of scarcity. If you are tired after a day, you can walk slowly if you can't lift Pepsi. The male knows the female by voice, so it is a strange day. From Jiazi, mother and son ask for help, and so do the places where they meet. Ten days and twelve days, sixty days a week, every eight times. Old people die, but old people don't hurt. , Yan also; Easy Tour, Ye Qi; Bingwu, Yue; Ding Si, Chu Ye; Geng Shen and Qin Ye; Xin Mao, Rong Ye; Renzi, Daiye; Gui Hai, Hu Ye; Wuxu, Jihai, and Han Ye; Self-sufficiency, self-sufficiency, Wei also; My father, my son, eight generations together. The Moon, the old and the young, the stars, the sun, the moon and the morning light are all combined, and there are clouds and storms on their days, so you should take them.
The most expensive god is not more expensive than Qinglong, Tianyi or Taiyin. Where the moon lives, it can't go home. When Beidou strikes, you can't beat the enemy. Heaven and earth are divided into yin and yang, yang is born in yin and yin is born in yang. Yin and yang are not right, four dimensions are connected. Life or death, everything is successful. Breathing is not expensive, and stealing limbs is all an act of god. There are nine things in the sky, and people also have nine tricks; There are four days for December, and people also have limbs for twelve sections; 1February has 360 days, and people have 12 limbs for 360 days. Therefore, people who do things that are not in harmony with heaven are also enemies of the living. From the solstice of winter to the fifth day of the first month, the people are full; Less than 50 days, one barrel a day; A little more than a day, a liter a day. There is a one-year-old company.
When Teague was taken, the water was early and the drought was late, the rice disease, the silkworm was not born, Maiwang, the people ate four liters, and it was cloudy. Single-year-old, 30-year-old, rice, rice, wheat and silkworm often eat five liters. Mao. It's called Yimeng in B. At the age of Xu, the drought is early and the water is late, the hunger is small, the silkworm is closed, the wheat is ripe, and the people eat three liters. Chen. In c, it is considered soft. There are soldiers, silkworms, wheat fields, dysentery and two liters of food for the people. Third. In Ding Yueqiang. In Tang Dun that year, at the age of 20, there was a drought, silkworms crawled, rice got sick, wheat fields were sown, crops were useless, and people ate two liters. Good afternoon. On the fifth day, I was wearing a scorpion. At the age of Xie Qia, there were soldiers, silkworms, rice fields and hulled wheat, and the people ate three liters. No. In my own words, Tu Wei. Five years old, five years old, the people have three liters of food. Shen. Put a seal on Geng Yue. When Hubei was 18 years old, there were soldiers, people were sick, silkworms didn't climb, husked wheat didn't work, and insects ate five liters. Single. In the heart, the light is heavy. When Mao Yan was 18 years old, he was hungry, with soldiers, silkworms and wheat, and people ate seven liters. Hmm. I'm talking about Xuannuo in Ren. In Obuchi's year of sacrifice, there were soldiers at the age of eighteen, hungry, silkworms blossomed, husked wheat withered, weeds overgrown and people ate three liters. 20 years old, fog is 20 years old, flood is out. Silkworms crawled, rice became ill, wheat fields fermented, and people ate three liters. Son. Zhaoyang in the countryside. Full of vigor and vitality, 18 years old has a soldier. With morning water, you won't raise silkworms. If you get rice disease, you can't grow rice, so you have a liter of food for the people.
In the morning and evening, the tree will show the east first, and the table will move forward ten steps to see the day before the Northern Alliance. When the sun goes straight into the sky, another tree stands in the east, because the west represents the sun, and when it enters the north, it will set the east. Between the two tables, with the west table, things will be easy. Winter solstice, sunrise southeast dimension, into the southwest dimension. In the spring and autumn equinox, the sun rises in the east and enters the west. Summer solstice, out of the northeast dimension, into the northwest dimension, to the south. If you want to know the number of things, north and south, set up four tables and think the square is a mile away. If the vernal equinox lasts more than ten days, look at the sky from the north table in order to wait for the corresponding, and then it will be straight with the sky. To see the south table, the number of people entering the front table is the method. In addition to the list, in addition to the list, we can know the number of things from now on. Watching the sunrise, if you enter the front table one inch, you will get one inch, eight thousand inches in one mile and eight thousand miles in the southeast. Depending on the Japanese side, if you enter the front table for half an inch, you will get one and a half inches. If you divide half an inch by one mile, you will get 36,000 miles. Divide it and count it from now on. And the number of things is also the diameter. Before the vernal equinox, after the autumnal equinox, and the south here. Straight before the autumnal equinox, straight after the vernal equinox, and this is also north. Points, straight, here in the north and south. If you want to know from Central South, it is not straight before the autumnal equinox, and it is also north and south here. If you want to know the distance between the north and south poles, you can see the sun from the southwest. The sun rises from the summer solstice to the north, and the east and northeast are also watches. The east is 8000 miles, so the north is 8000 miles. Times, the mileage of north and south also. It does not count from it, but gains and losses according to the number of times in and out of the above table. An extra inch will reduce one mile a day, and an extra inch is more beneficial than one mile. If you want to know the sky is high, the tree is ten feet high, and the north and south are thousands of miles apart. That day, it was cloudy. The north table is one foot and the south table is nine inches. There are thousands of miles in the south and no scenery in the south. It is also a direct sunset. Two feet high and ten feet high, one south and five high, from south to sunset, so five is 100 thousand Li, and the sky is high. If the scenery is equal to the surface, then the height and distance are equal.