1. The following functions are: ()
int fun(char *x)
char * y = x;
while(* y++){ };
Returns y-x-1;
A. Find the length of the rope
B. Find the storage location of the string
C. compare the sizes of two strings.
D. concatenate the string x after the string y.
2. If there are the following descriptions and statements, and 0
int a[ ]={ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0},*p,I;
p = a;
B. One
d.*(& amp; a[i])
3. The output of the following program is: ()
# include & ltstdio.h & gt
void main()
int a[ 10]={ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10},* p = a;
printf(" % d " ,*(p+2));
c. 1
4. If there are the following definitions and statements, and 0
int a[ ]={ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0},*p,I;
p = a;
a.& amp(a+ 1)
d.& ampp[i]
5. It is known that: int a, x =1; The following correct assignment statement is: ()
a.a =(a[ 1]+a[2])/2;
b.a =(a[ 1]+a[2])/2;
c.a = x+2;
D.a= "good";
6. It is known that: int a[]={ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, * p = a;; In the following expression, the value of 5 is: ()
a . p+= 3; *(p++);
b . p+= 5; * p++;
c . p+= 4; * ++ p;
d . p+= 4; ++ * p;
7. If there are the following statements and 0
int x[]={ 1,9, 10,7,32,4},*ptr=x,k = 1;
B. & photoelectric tape reader
c.& ampptr[k]
d.& amp(x+ 1)
8. If: int i, j=7, * p; is specified; P = & Then the statement equivalent to i=j is ()
a . I = * p;
b.* p = * &j;
c.i = & ampj
d . I = * * p;
9. If p 1 and p2 are pointer variables pointing to the same one-dimensional array of type int, and k is an int variable, the statement that cannot be executed correctly is ().
a . k = * p 1+* p2;
b . p2 = k;
c . p 1 = p2;
d . k = * p 1 *(* p2);
10. If the following function definition is set, the value returned by this function is ().
int * fun(int a)
int *t,n;
n = a; t = & ampn;
return t;
A. Unavailable storage unit address values
B. Available memory cell address values
The value expressed in c.n.
D. the value in formal parameter a
Two: fill in the blanks
1, give the output result of the following program.
# include & ltstdio.h & gt
void main()
int *v,b;
v = & ampb; b = 100; * v+ = b;
printf("%d\n ",b);
2. Description statement "int(* p)(); ();" means
3. Known function statement: void * fun (); So what it means is
4, known: int I;; char * s = " a \ 045+045 \ ' b "; Execute the statement "fot(I = 0;; * s++; i++); After that, the result of variable I is
5. The following process is to find the sum of two integers and return the result through formal parameters.
int add(intx,int y,z)
{ = x+y; }
6. The output of the following program is as follows
Invalid funds (int *x)
{ printf(" % d \ n " ,++ * x)'; }
Master ()
int a = 25
Fun (& AMPA);
7. Give the running results of the following programs.
# include & ltstdio.h & gt
void main()
int a[ ]={ 1,2,3,4,5 };
int x,y,* p;
p = & ampa[0];
x = *(p+2);
y = *(p+4);
printf("*p=%d,x=%d,y=%d\n ",*p,x,y);
8. Give the running results of the following programs.
# include & ltiostream.h & gt
void callbyval(int a,int b,int c)
a = 3; b = 2; c = 1;
void callbypointer(int* a,int* b,int* c)
* a = 3; * b = 2; * c = 1;
void call by reference(int & amp; I int& international bank. c)
a = 1; b = 2; c = 3;
void main()
int a= 1,b=2,c = 3;
int & ampa 1 = a;
int & ampb 1 = a;
int & ampc 1 = a;
cout & lt& lta & lt& ltb & lt& ltc & lt& ltendl
callby pointer(& amp; First, & ampb & amp;; c);
cout & lt& lta & lt& ltb & lt& ltc & lt& ltendl
callbyreference(a 1,b 1,c 1);
cout & lt& lta & lt& ltb & lt& ltc & lt& ltendl
9. Give the running results of the following programs.
# include & ltiostream.h & gt
void ast(int x,int y,int *cp,int *dp)
* CP = x * y;
* DP = x % y;
void main()
int a,b,c,d;
a = 2; b = 3;
Ast(a, B and ampc, & AMPD);
cout & lt& ltc & lt& ltd & lt& ltendl
10, giving the results of the following program.
# include & ltstdio.h & gt
void main()
int a= 10,b=0,*pa,* pb
pa = & ampa; pb = & ampb;
printf("%d,%d\n ",a,b);
printf("%d,%d\n ",*pa,* Pb);
a = 20b = 30
* pa = a++; * Pb = b++;
printf("%d,%d\n ",a,b);
printf("%d,%d\n ",*pa,* Pb);
(* pa)++;
(* Pb)++;
printf("%d,%d\n ",a,b);
printf("%d,%d\n ",*pa,* Pb);
Three: Short answer questions and programming questions
1. After executing the following statement, determine the value of ab.
int *var,ab;
ab = 100;
var = & ampab;
ab = * var+ 10;
2. What is the value of the expression *-p when the pointer p points as shown in the figure below? (Here, one [0], one [1], one [2] ... are only used as code names of continuous storage units, with low-order address [0] and high-order address [1]).
3. there is a definition: double var, so,
A) What is the definition statement that makes the pointer p point to a variable of type double?
B) What is the assignment statement that makes the pointer p point to the variable var?
C) What is the scanf function call statement that reads data into the variable var through the pointer p?
4. Write a function, find the length of a string, input the string in the main function, and output its length.
5. Programming: Input any character string from the keyboard, and then input the character to be searched. If it exists, it returns the position where it first appears in the string; Otherwise, the output is "not found in the string!" . To realize the same character string, you can input the characters you want to find continuously.
6. Programming: Delete substring from string. Enter a string from the keyboard, and then enter the substring to delete. Finally, the new string after substring is deleted is output.
One: multiple choice questions:
Two: fill in the blanks
2.p is a pointer to a function whose return value is an integer.
3. The return value of the 3.fun function is a universal pointer.
Because the for statement is to find the length of the string, we can know that the result of I is 8.
5.( 1)int * (2)*z
7.*p= 1 x=3 y=5
8. 123
32 1
32 1
9.6 2
10. 10,0
2 1,3 1
2 1,3 1
Third, Q&A and programming problems.
1. This example defines two variables, the variable ab of type int and the pointer variable var point to type int; Statement var = &;; ab; The address of ab is assigned to var. In the next sentence, *var indicates the content of the unit referred to by var, that is, 100. Then, *var+ 10 is assigned to the variable ab; Then, the value of ab should be 1 10.
2. According to the priority of the operator, the expression *-p = * (-p). Therefore, firstly, the -P operation is performed, so that the pointer P moves to the low address direction by one memory cell, pointing to a[ 1]. Then use the operator "*" to get the data stored at this address, which is 20.
3.( 1) requires that p be defined as a pointer variable pointing to double type, so the definition statement is: double * P;;
(2) To make P point to the variable var, assign the address of var to the pointer P, and the assignment statement is: P = &;; var
(3) The statement of assigning the read data to the variable var with the scanf function is: scanf ("%lf ",&; var); Since the address of var has been assigned to p in (2), this statement is equivalent to scanf("%lf ",p);
4. The procedure is:
# include & ltstdio.h & gt
int length(char * a);
void main()
int len
char string[20];
Printf ("Please enter a string:");
scanf("%s ",str);
Len = length (str);
Printf ("string length is %d", len);
Int length(char* a)/* Find string length function */
char * p;
p = a;
int n;
n = 0;
while(*p! ='\0')
Return (n);
5. The procedure is:
# include & ltiostream.h & gt
Char *strchr( char *string, int letter)
While((* string! = letters)&&(* string))
Returns a string;
void main()
int TT = 1;
char title[64];
Cout & lt& lt Please enter a string: ";
CIN & gt; & gt title;
char * p;
Cout & lt& lt Please enter the character you are looking for:;
char ch
CIN & gt; & gtch;
If (*p)
The first occurrence of the search character in the cout & lt& lt "string is:"
Cout & lt& lt "There are no searched characters in the string!" & lt& ltendl
Cout & lt& lt "Be your coward! 1-count, 0-exit "< < endl
CIN & gt; & gtTT;
6. The procedure is:
# include & ltstring.h & gt
# include & ltiostream.h & gt
char* strstr_rep(char *source,char *old)
int i,j,k,loc =- 1;
for(I = 0; Source [I]&; & amp(loc = =- 1); i++)
for(j=i,k = 0; source[j]= = old[k]; j++,k++)
If (! Old [k+ 1])
loc = I;
If (loc! =- 1)
for(k = 0; Old [k]; k++);
for(j=loc,I = loc+k; Source [I]; j++,i++)
source[j]= source[I];
source[I]= NULL;
Return (source);
void main()
char a[50];
Cout & lt& lt Please enter a string: ";
CIN & gt; & gta;
char b[30];
Cout & lt& lt Please enter the substring of the above string: ";
CIN & gt; & gtb;
cout & lt& ltstrstr_rep(a,b)& lt; & ltendl