According to the inquiry of the foster family, the plural form of salad is salads, which is pronounced in English. l? Dz] beautiful [,beautiful? l? Dz]. The word "salad" can be a countable noun or an uncountable noun, depending on its meaning and usage. Here are some examples:
When salad refers to a kind of food, it is mixed with various vegetables, fruits, meat and so on. , an uncountable noun, does not need plural. Like Ilikesaladwithdressing. I like salad with dressing.
When salad refers to a portion or a plate of food, it is a countable noun and needs to be plural. She ordered two lunch salads.
When salad refers to a plant and is used to make salad, it is an uncountable noun and does not need plural. For example, we grow salads in the garden.