◆ The skin of patients with neutral electrode plate must be smooth, hairless, muscular (non-fat), scar-free and bone-free, so as to reduce contact impedance, reduce power consumption, enhance heat dissipation effect and prevent burns.
◆ Put it on the upper part of the patient as far as possible, so as to prevent uneven pressure and wetting of the washing liquid, and facilitate the inspection of contact quality.
◆ Try to choose a two-piece neutral plate, provided that the main electrotome with plate contact quality detection function can avoid plate burn, and Hutong GD350-B, B4, B5 series of high-frequency electrotome have two-piece plate detection function. Ultra-high frequency ultrasonic scalpel is especially suitable for minimally invasive, plastic and cosmetic surgery. Its working frequency is 4.096MHz, the wound is shallow, the cutting is accurate and the wound heals quickly. It adopts an insulating negative plate, and the electrode plate does not need to be directly attached to the patient, thus completely avoiding electrode plate burns.