Basic instructions include bit logic operation, timer, counter, comparison, mathematical function, movement, conversion, program control, word logic operation, shift and loop.
5. 1. 1 bit logic operation instruction
Using bit logic instructions, the most basic bit logic operations can be realized, including normally open, normally closed, set, reset, edge instructions and so on. As shown in Table 5- 1.
5. 1. 1 bit logic operation instruction
1. normally open contacts and normally closed contacts
Normally open contact is closed when the specified position %I0.0 is in 1 state, as shown in Figure 5- 1 a), and is opened when it is in 0 state. The normally closed contact is opened at the specified position, as shown in Figure 5- 1 a) When %I0. 1 is in the state of 1, it is closed, and when it is in the state of 0. Two contacts in series will perform AND operation; When two contacts are connected in parallel, OR operation will be performed, as shown in Figure 5- 1 b).
Figure 5- 1 normally open contacts and normally closed contacts
5. 1. 1 bit logic operation instruction
2. Take reverse RLO contact.
RLO is the abbreviation of logical operation result. The contact with "NO" in the middle of Figure 5-2 is an anti-RLO contact, which is used to convert the logic state of energy flow input. If energy flows into the anti-RLO contact, the RLO at the input end of the contact is 1, otherwise it is 0. If there is no energy flowing into the reverse RLO contact, there is energy flowing out, as shown in Figure 5-2 a); If there is energy flowing into the reverse RLO contact, there is no energy flowing out, as shown in Figure 5-2 b).
5. 1. 1 bit logic operation instruction
3. Volume
The coil writes the signal state of the input logic operation result (RLO) to the specified address, and writes 1(RLO state is "1") when the coil is powered on, and writes 0 when it is powered off. In the inverting output coil