Picture frame-picture frame
Text box-text box
Command button-command button
Option button-radio button
Check box-check box
List box-list box
Horizontal scroll bar/vertical scroll bar-horizontal/vertical scroll bar
Drive list box-drive list box
Directory list box-Directory list box
File list box-file list box
Straight line-straight line
Ole- object linking and embedding
General Dialog Box-General Dialog Box
Basic grid data types of table VB
Holistic plastic surgery
A long plastic surgery
Single precision type
Double precision type
Currency-Currency Type
Variant transformation function of variant form
Int(x)- Find the largest integer not greater than x..
Fixed (x) truncated mantissa
Convert decimal numbers into hexadecimal numbers.
Oct(x)- Converts a decimal number to a decimal number.
ASC(x)- returns the ASCII code of the first character in x (x is a string).
Chr(x)- converts the value of x into ASCII characters.
Str(x)- Converts the value of x to a string.
Val(x)- Converts the string x to a numeric value.
Cint(x)- Rounds the value of x to an integer.
CCUR(x)- Rounds the value of x to the currency type.
CDBL(x)- Converts the value of x to a double-precision number.
Clng(x)- Rounds the value of x to a long integer.
CSNG(x)- Converts the value of x to a single-precision number.
CVAR(x)- A mathematical function that converts the value of x into a value of variable type.
Sin(x)- returns the sine of x.
Cos(x)- returns the cosine of x.
Tan(x)- Returns the tangent of x (note: the unit of x in the first three functions is radian _).
ATN(x)- returns the arctangent of x.
ABS(x)- returns the absolute value of x.
SGN(x)- Returns the sign of x (negative number is-1, 0 is 0, positive number is 1).
SQR(x)- Returns the square root of x.
Exp(x)- find the x power of e.
RND[(x)]- Generate a random number (usually used with randomize _).
Log(x)- Returns the natural logarithm of x (i.e. lg3, note the difference between this and mathematics _) time and date function.
Now- Returns the system date/time.
Day(d)- Returns the current date.
Weekday(d)- Returns the current week.
Month(d)- Returns the current month.
Year(d)- Returns the current year.
Hour(t)- Returns the current hour.
Minute(t)- Returns the current minute.
Seconds (t)- Returns the current second.
Timer- Returns the number of seconds since midnight.
Time-a string function that returns the current time (I have worked hard for T_T)
Remove the space to the left of s.
Rtrim(s)- delete the space to the right of s.
Trim-delete spaces on both sides of s.
Left (s, n)- take n characters from the left of s.
Mid (s, p, n)-n characters of s starting from p.
Right (s, n)- take n characters from the right of s.
Len(s)- the length (characters) of the test string.
Lenb(s)- Length of test string (bytes)
String (n, s)- Returns a string consisting of n characters starting with s.
Space(n)- returns n spaces.
INSTR (n, S 1, S2)- Find S2 in S 1
Convert s to uppercase letters.
Lcase(S)- An attribute that convert s to lowercase letters.
Automatic redrawing-automatic redrawing
Background color-background color
Border Style-Border Type
Control box-control box
Font-Font (with sub-attributes, such as font size-font name-font type font color-font color font bold-bold italic-oblique font strikeout-strikeout font underline-underline)
Maximum button/Minimum button-Maximize/Minimize button.
Top/Left-Top Edge/Left Distance
Window Status-Window Status Form Event
Click click
Dbl click- double click
Drawing functions and methods related to printing methods.
Tab[(n)]- Moves the cursor to the position specified by n..
SPC(n)- Skip n spaces
Space(n)- returns n spaces.
Cls- liquidation
Format-format output
Inputbox- Input dialog function
Msgbox- Function or Information Declaration Dialog Box
The properties of other standard controls come out at once. Tell you a way. Select a control on the form, and its properties will appear in the property list box. If you select an attribute, the description about the attribute will be listed in the lower part of the attribute list box. (Alas, this is a big project. I type in word by word. That's called tiredness. . . In fact, VB is very studious. I don't know whether to take the grade test in the second half of the year. We will have an exam in the second half of the year, so I can review it myself. We have not given the events of mouse and keyboard, menu, dialog box, multi-form programming and file for the time being. Master these foundations first. Dear, come on, don't waste my hard induction and investment. . . )