Administrative rank is the division of the position rank of a civil servant or other positions, which is used to distinguish the upper and lower levels of different positions. From the central chairman to local officials, there are corresponding administrative levels. China's administrative level is divided into five levels: national level, provincial level, prefecture level, county level and township level, which is what we usually call "state, department, department, department and branch". In addition to the national level, the other four levels are what we often call local four-level administrative divisions.
Correspondence between job and rank
(1) Premier the State Council: level 1;
(2) Vice Premier and State Councilor of the State Council: Level 2-3;
(3) Ministerial level and provincial level: three to four levels;
(4) Ministerial deputies and provincial deputies: four to five;
(5) Division chief, division chief and inspector: five to seven levels;
(6) Deputies at department level, deputies at department level and assistant inspectors: Grade 6-8;
(7) Division chief, county chief and researcher: 7- 10;
(8) Division level deputy, county level deputy and assistant researcher: 8- 1 1 level;
(9) Division-level chief, township-level chief and chief clerk: grades 9 to 12;
(10) Department-level deputy, township-level deputy and deputy director: 9- 13;
(1 1) Clerk: Grade 9 to 14;
(12) Clerk: 10 to 15.