First, knead (or cut) the big dough into strips of appropriate size, and then cut it into small dough according to the weight. Manual segmentation is less likely to damage gluten than mechanical segmentation, especially weak gluten flour. Manual segmentation is more suitable than mechanical segmentation.
It should also be noted that the complete division of a bad dough should be controlled within 20 minutes, because the longer the division time of the same bad dough is delayed, the dough finally divided will exceed the predetermined fermentation time, making its properties different from that of the whole bad dough, which will affect the mastery of subsequent processes, especially the proofing time.
In the weighing process, the weight loss caused by water evaporation during baking should be considered, which is about 10~ 13 of dough. Therefore, in one pound of dough, 50~60 grams should be added additionally or per gram of dough to make up for the weight lost during baking. The exact baking loss depends on baking time, dough size and whether the dough is put in the baking tray.