English short play script for two people
Three lazy people A king has three sons. He loves them all very much. He doesn't know which one should be appointed king after death. When it was time for him to die, he called them to the bed and said, "Dear children, I have thought of something and I want to tell you. The laziest among you will inherit my throne. " "Father, then this kingdom belongs to me, because I am too lazy. Whenever I lie down and sleep, as long as a drop of water falls into my eyes, I won't close my eyes and let myself fall asleep." The second said, "Father, this kingdom belongs to me, because I am too lazy. When I sit by the fire, I would rather let my heels burn than retract my legs." The third said, "Father, the kingdom belongs to me, because I am too lazy. If I am going to be hanged, the rope has been put around my neck, and someone puts a sharp knife in my hand to cut the rope, I would rather be hanged myself than reach for the rope." Hearing this, the father said, "You are the most suitable person, and you will become king." In a faraway place, there is a king. He has three sons and he loves each of them very much. He doesn't know which one of them he should pass the throne to when he dies. So, when he was dying, he called them to his side and said, "Dear children, after I die, the laziest of you three will inherit my throne." The boss said, "In this case, the throne is mine, because I am the laziest son. When I lie down and sleep, something falls into my eyes, and I'm too lazy to wipe it. Even if I can't close my eyes, I will continue to sleep. " The second son said, "Dad, the throne should be passed to me, because I am the laziest son. When I sit by the fire to keep warm, even if the fire burns my toes, I am too lazy to take my legs back. " The third son said, "Dad, this throne is mine, because I am your laziest son. If I'm going to be hanged, the rope is already around my neck. Someone put a sharp knife in my hand and told me to cut the rope. I would rather be hanged than raise my hand and cut the rope. " Father listened and said, "You are the most suitable person. You should inherit the throne. "