A string in Python is defined as a set of characters between quotation marks. Paired single or double quotes are supported, and triple quotes (three consecutive single or double quotes) can be used to contain special characters. Use the index operator ([]) and the slice operator ([:]) to get the substring. Indexing rule: the index of the first character is 0, and the index of the last character is-1.
The plus sign (+) is used for string concatenation and the asterisk (*) is used for string repetition. You can think of lists and tuples as ordinary "arrays", and you can save any number of Python objects of any type. Access elements through a zero-based numeric index.
There are several important differences between list and tuple. List elements are enclosed in parentheses ([]), and the number and value of elements can be changed. Tuples are enclosed in parentheses (()) and cannot be changed. You can get subsets by slicing elements ([] and [:]), which is consistent with the use of strings.