Grade? What is the name of the operating room? What is the maximum average concentration of bacteria by sedimentation (flotation)? What is the maximum pollution density on the surface? Air cleanliness level? ?
(Piece/cubic centimeter)
Operating area? Surrounding areas? ? Operating area? Peripheral area
Ⅰ ? A particularly clean operating room? 0.2 pieces /30 minutes? φ90 dishes (5 /m3)? 0.4 pieces /30 minutes? Φ 90 dishes (10 /m3)? 5 ? 100? 1000 level
Ⅱ ? Standard clean operating room? 0.75 pieces /30 minutes? φ 90 dishes (25 dishes /m3)? 1.5/30 minutes? φ90 dishes (50 dishes /m3)? 5 ? 1000? 10000 level
Ⅲ ? Usually clean the operating room? 2/30 minutes? φ90 vegetable (75 /m3)? 4/30 minutes? Φ 90 dishes (150 /m3)? 5 ? 10000? 100000 level
Ⅳ ? Quasi-clean operating room? 5/30 min φ 90 dishes (175 dishes /m3)? 5 ? Class 300,000
Note: 1, the maximum average concentration of bacteria by floating method is in brackets. The concentration of bacteria is the result of direct measurement, not the result of mutual conversion between sedimentation method and flotation method. ? ?
2, suitable for surgical tips
Level one? Joint replacement surgery, organ transplantation surgery and aseptic surgery in operating rooms such as brain surgery, heart surgery and ophthalmology. ? ?
Level two? Type I incision aseptic surgery in brain surgery, plastic surgery, urology, hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, bone surgery and general surgery?
Class iii? General surgery (except type I incision surgery), gynecological surgery, etc.
Level 4? Anorectal surgery and other operations
The above is provided by Anhui Renhe Purification, hoping to help you!