Moon; Moon; Moonlight; satellite
Intransitive verbs wander; Be lost in thought
waste time
Example: The moon is in the first quarter.
The moon is in the first quarter.
Deformation: past tense mooned, past participle mooned, present participle mooned, third person singular moons, plural moons.
Shoot at the moon and escape at night
Appreciate the moon
The rising moon of the first quarter moon
Full moon in harvest season.
In the moonlight
First quarter moon? first quarter moon
The usage of the moon
Because the moon is the only known natural satellite on the earth, it is often used with the definite article The, and its initial letter is lowercase. In scientific articles, the first letter of the moon is often capitalized in order to stand out. The moon can sometimes be used as a metaphor, which means "the moon".
In literary language, the moon can also be used as the plural, emphasizing the repeated appearance of the moon, which sets off the inner feelings and ideological conditions of the characters. In poetry, moon can be interpreted as "the moon".
The moon is a countable noun when it is interpreted as "satellite". When it comes to satellites of planets other than the earth, it can take the plural form.