2, stovepipe. Botox also has the function of stovepipe. After the calf is injected with Botox, the curve is natural, slender and charming. Injection does not require anesthesia, just select a few points at the muscle hypertrophy on both sides and inject it in moderation. It takes 10 minutes more. Botox stovepipe is to use the principle of atrophy to reduce the muscle volume, so as to achieve thinner, longer and more beautiful calves. After injection, it does not affect normal life and work, and has no side effects.
3, wrinkle removal. Botox uses bioactive substances. Usually injected around wrinkles, so that the superficial muscle tension that forms wrinkles subsides and the muscle activity of facial wrinkles weakens. Make your face look shiny and smooth, younger and more beautiful. At the same time, it has the effect of delaying aging.