This funeral service major is divided into several different professional directions, including etiquette service, equipment management, anti-corrosion and cosmetic surgery, and cemetery design. Many people say that the funeral industry should include etiquette services, body preservation and cosmetic surgery. Tuition is not very expensive, and ordinary families can accept it. If you are a student of this major, the employment rate is still very high. Funeral homes and cemeteries are all public institutions, which are guaranteed by the establishment. However, the work place is generally remote, so you can't go home every day, and there is not much room for promotion.
Although I have never been a mortician, I am a colleague in different positions, so I know a lot about morticians. In fact, the undertaker is a foreign word, and he is called an antiseptic cosmetic surgeon in China. In most cities in China, this requirement is not high. It is enough to change the body and simply make up. Those who need research before practicing can pay attention to the examination time and requirements of this certificate in official website.
Finally, I want to tell you one thing. This requires direct contact with the remains, and it may be necessary to contact various leaving remains at work. So you should be mentally prepared, you may be discriminated against by occupation. This does exist, and many people in this industry have encountered it. There will be friends and relatives around who don't understand you. An Oscar-winning Japanese foreign language film, The Awkward Teacher, you can watch it sometime.