Use? Namespace? std
int? Master ()
int? n; //Number of array elements stored
cout? & lt& lt? Please enter the number of array elements? & lt& lt? endl
cin? & gt& gt? n;
int? *iArray? =? New? int[n];
cout? & lt& lt? "Come in"? & lt& lt? n? & lt& lt? "Integer:" & lt& lt? endl
For what? (int? I = 0; ? Me? & lt? n; ? I++)// Enter the values of n arrays.
cin? & gt& gt? IAR ray[I];
int? sum? =? 0; //Save the sum of array elements.
For what? (int? j = 0; ? j? & lt? n; ? j++)? //Find the sum of array elements
sum? +=? IAR ray[j];
cout? & lt& lt? What is the sum of arrays? & lt& lt? sum? & lt& lt? endl
Return? 0;
Screenshot of running case: