Int _ max: the maximum value of type int.
Int _ min: the minimum value of int type.
Uint _ max: the maximum value of unsigned int type.
LONG_MAX: the maximum value of a long integer.
LONG_MIN: the minimum value of a long integer.
ULONG_MAX: the minimum value of a long integer.
Examples are as follows:
# include & ltstdio.h & gt
# include & lt restrictions.>
int main()
printf(" INT_MAX:% d \ n INT _ MAX:% u \ n LONG_MAX:% d \ n LONG _ MAX:% u \ n ",INT _ MAX,UINT_MAX,LONG _ MAX,ULONG _ MAX);
printf(" INT_MIN:% d \ nLONG _ MIN:% d \ n ",INT _ MIN,LONG _ MIN);
Returns 0;