The burial methods are: 1, which is convenient for burial (burial without mourning ceremony). 2. Fake burial: Mr. Shui Shu should be asked to choose an auspicious day to be buried at home because of the heavy funeral ceremony for the ancestors of the Shui people. If it is difficult to choose the date of burial for a while, and then a grand funeral will be held, they should choose the date of fake burial first. The way of fake burial is to park the coffin in the main hall, with the coffin parallel to the beam and the head facing east. Enclose it with boards and cover it with soil. The time of fake burial is long or short, ranging from a few days to many years. During the fake burial, the deceased must be perfumed every day until the control is turned on. 3. Deep burial: once buried, the coffin will not be moved or trimmed. 4. Relocation and burial: that is, the second burial in different places.
In the areas of Jichang, Yanghe and Fenghe in Duyun Shui nationality area, after the death of an adult, the funeral ceremony is roughly divided into the following ten parts.
First, reporting to Hai: also known as mourning, that is, mourning. After the death of the old man, according to the distance between relatives, people were sent to mourn in time. Generally speaking, a woman can only be buried in the presence of her family outside. When mourning, don't shout the names of the living, lest the dead take the souls of the living. Therefore, wherever the mourners go, they always knock on the door. When the host comes out, they will quietly report the bad news. Those who receive the notice will immediately prepare white cloth and other things, and inform the brothers to go directly to the deceased's home to offer condolences and help. In addition, after the old man died, let Mr. Shui Shu calculate according to the zodiac and the time of death of the deceased. If it happens to be an auspicious day, he will fire an iron cannon to announce a funeral to the villagers.
2. Cleanliness: During the period when the deceased is seriously ill, it is generally necessary to move out of the bedroom and put it by the fireplace, so that children can serve and visit relatives and friends in the morning and evening, and lead a totally clean life after death. When the dead man is dying, his son will feed him a spoonful of water and wine. This kind of water is called "hot52 hau33", which means that people who die are on their way. From then on, he will be separated from the living. After the death of the deceased, the tea leaves were boiled in water. After the tea leaves cooled slightly, the eldest son in the family was clean for the deceased. When cleaning your body, soak the towel in warm tea and twist it into a semi-wet state. Take off the victim's clothes and wipe them from head to toe. If the deceased is a male, his hair must be shaved, and if the deceased is a female, his hair should be braided. After cleaning, you put on a shroud, ranging from five to nine, but it must be odd, with blue or green ribbons and three or five purses around your waist. Put on cloth shoes, yarn socks and a blue or black hair band. After putting on the shroud, put up a bedstead in the hall, hold the deceased on the frame in the east-west direction, cover his face with white cloth, set up a table beside him, light a plain oil lamp, offer glutinous rice, water wine, melons and fruits, burn incense and paper, and wait for the funeral. Afterwards, the host family killed chickens and ducks to entertain the person who cleaned the dead, and gave him a piece of white cloth to wash his hands to ward off evil spirits and reward him.
Third, knife hate (water language tau33 han 13) means burning the old nest. Straw, cotton wool, written manuscripts, worn-out clothes, etc. after the death of the deceased. The people put on the bed were moved to the edge of the village and burned so that the fireworks gods could give them their things to enjoy. The clothes left for the living should also be smoked on the fire, so that even if the dead end the fireworks, there will be no unlucky things left for future generations.
4. Embarrassment: Relatives, friends and clansmen of the deceased called "Hot Wheat" immediately rushed to the deceased's home to offer their condolences, and sent a small amount of coins to the deceased to buy water on the way back to their hometown, waiting for the funeral. In order to avoid ghosts, prevent black cats from passing through the remains and eliminate the sad and painful atmosphere, people talk about the past, discuss the present and hold activities such as wrench strength all night. On auspicious occasions, coffins will be placed along the beams in the hall, with their heads facing east, and the bottom of the coffins will be covered with a layer of toilet paper. The descendants of the deceased (that is, the dutiful son) will carry the body of the deceased into the coffin with white cloth, and the body will be wrapped in white paper or wrapped with straw. Then, the venerable person gave money to buy water for the deceased. Money is usually bought by family members who slice silver in advance and cut it into pieces with scissors. Friends and relatives who send money to their families get a piece of broken silver after the ceremony of buying water, which means that the living will get the blessing of the dead, and the money will stay with them in the future and the family will be rich. The person in charge of buying water for the dead will shout every time he puts a piece of broken silver in his wallet. Your son XXX will buy you water money, so that you can buy the well above, not the well below, clean water and mud, and no one will give you anything! Buy fields under bamboo forests, fields and lakes next to livestock pens. "After calling the name of the deceased's son from childhood, he finally shouted:" Well, leave some money for your children and grandchildren and get rich in the future. "After the ceremony of buying water, we should carry out" hot52 mjan33 ",that is, lay a funeral cloth for the deceased. During the "peace with Myanmar", the children and nephews of the deceased took out their own white woven fabrics, cut them into two pieces according to the length of the deceased, sewed them with needle and thread, and covered them on the deceased; Then cut a piece of cloth about five fingers wide from the left or right side of this cloth and tie it around your waist, which is Daicun. There is a certain order of "harmony with Myanmar", which is divided into intimacy and inferiority. After "Harmony with Myanmar", a person shouted "Please leave all relatives and friends, leaving only the husband (or nurse) here". After everyone leaves the room, they will be ordered to close the coffin and fix it with bamboo sticks. At this point, the funeral is over.
Verb (abbreviation of verb) open control: it's a memorial service for the aquarium. Shui people worship their ancestors and attach great importance to funerals. As long as the financial resources can support it, we should try our best to keep the control of a good start. The scale of control is divided into manual control and low control (that is, large control and small control) according to the thickness of financial resources. The deceased is generally controlled by men, and the deceased is generally controlled by women. Besides playing lusheng and firing iron cannons, we should also hang bronze drums, kill cows, horses, pigs, umbrellas, flags, hold "wine making" and sing funeral songs. It's relatively simple to control low labor, only blowing reeds and suona, setting off iron cannons and firecrackers, and generally only killing a few pigs to entertain relatives and friends, so the funeral ceremony is relatively simple.
The time to start control depends on the time of death of the deceased and the financial situation of the family, which is determined by Mr. Shui Shu's date. If the date of death of the deceased is auspicious or auspicious, and the family's financial resources permit, control can be started on the same day or two or three days later. If conditions do not permit, treatment can be started on the other day after the fake burial. If it is a fake burial, the boards around the coffin should be removed, the soil covered on the coffin should be removed, and the coffin should be cleaned with a handkerchief.
When starting the control, put a door panel on the floor of the main hall, and put a pot of cooked fish, a pot of glutinous rice, nine bowls of wine (seven bowls for women), a bowl of tofu, a liter of rice (with some coins on it), and burn incense and paper. Next to it are two bronze drums and one wooden drum. Drummers are on both sides, wooden drums are wearing hats, rice flour is hung on their shoulders, and a cloth bag is carried, which contains a liter of rice and a silver dollar. In addition, the suona player and the Lusheng player are all around, one person is responsible for setting off iron cannons and the other person is responsible for setting off firecrackers. When everything is ready, three to nine level gentlemen will sit in front of the door panel, holding bamboo sticks and chanting sacrificial words in unison. The content of the sacrificial words is to review the process of ancestors' migration and the development of family members, and wish the deceased "turn dragons into the sea" and wish the deceased a smooth return to their homeland according to the path of ancestors' ascending the river. The memorial service needs to be carried out in sections, and the deceased is divided into nine sections for men and seven for women. After each lesson is recited, the bronze drums, wooden drums, lusheng and suona are all ringing. At the end, bronze drums, wooden drums, lusheng and suona played for a long time, and there were more iron cannons and firecrackers than in the middle.
Sixth, "brewing" (called a in water? Ljan). After the control and opening up, people living in different villages took out money and food from their homes according to their own wishes, prepared lusheng, firecrackers, iron cannons and other things, came to mourn the dead, helped and participated in brewing activities. The "stuffed pack" is usually carried out the day before the "empty space", and the place is located in the "control field" (that is, the place where cattle are cut and horses are knocked). The number of wooden posts standing on the control field depends on the number of heads (horses) of cattle and horses. There is a square table next to it, with a pot of cooked bean powder and some grilled fish on it, and a piece of wood with a golden pheasant tail, and a table next to it. Holding rice bran in his hand, the sound of "yo, yo, yo" is endless. Others can grab a handful of rice bran and sprinkle it on their clothes or heads when they are not paying attention. They can also put rice bran into other people's collars when others are not looking. People who are sprinkled with rice bran will not be angry, but feel that the more rice bran, the happier they are. Switch to the next pair after three laps until dark. From morning till night, bronze drums, lusheng and guns are heard.
7. Umbrella: After the death of the deceased, when he is in a dominant position, his children's relatives or parents or other relatives and friends need to make flags to see the deceased off. There are barrel umbrellas, flag umbrellas, ball umbrellas, short umbrellas and long umbrellas, which are generally around twenty or thirty poles, and the number of people accompanying them is usually around one hundred. In order to welcome the flag, the host family specially made a white umbrella with a small basket of glutinous rice, a bottle of rice wine and some live fish, carried it to the intersection outside the village with peeled branches, inserted the white umbrella, and placed wine and fish on the side.
Eight. Welcome guests: Shui people pay attention to etiquette, especially in the aspect of "controlling things". When the guests arrived, the son of the deceased led forty or fifty dutiful sons, daughters and daughters-in-law to greet them outside the village in mourning. When welcoming guests, everyone looked solemn and bowed their heads in silence. If the deceased is a woman, when her family comes, the filial son, daughter and daughter-in-law need to lay a straw mat and kneel on it. At this time, several elders in robes will help the kneeling people up one by one, and the men will help the men and women. After the guests leave, the dutiful son and the woman will return to the main house together.
9. "Boiling burial" is to hang the precious relics of the deceased, such as silver dollars, coins, clothes, etc., in front of the guests. Every family in the clan gives a pot of wine, a bowl of rice and a cooked fish to the chopping board in the main hall as a souvenir, and indicates that the deceased worked hard to keep the house before his death and left money on the day of birth.
Ten, set up a book pole, that is, set up a bamboo pole in front of the main house, requiring branches and leaves to be well preserved, higher than the roof, and tie a three-foot white cloth cut into a human shape to show that the main house is holding a funeral. In Shuiyu, "Kanle" means "a pole for hanging books". Before the pole was erected, a bamboo pole was placed in front of the house, and a wooden frame was hung in the main hall of the house. The shelf is covered with cypress branches, and fireworks are smoked under the shelf. In the hall, several people in hats walked around the frame with broadswords, swords or axes, waving swords from time to time, leaving knife marks on the pillars of the house. After three rounds, the rope hanging the wooden frame was cut off, making the wooden frame fall to the ground, and then they walked out of the house and walked towards the I-beam. At this time, there was a man outside the door wearing a hat, carrying a rice basket, carrying a rice bag on his shoulder and carrying a chicken. When he saw people coming out of the house, he stopped a bundle of firewood and left quickly. The people who came out saw that the firewood bundle was blocking the way, so they split the firewood bundle with a knife and axe, so they erected bamboo poles and fixed them on the colonnade with bamboo sticks. After the incident, they lowered the word bar.
Eleven, cut profits. All families with industrial control, that is, big control, should prepare cows and horses and slaughter them on the day of industrial control, usually a Niu Yi and several pigs. With the increase of wealthy families and limited financial resources, only cows or horses can be used. Generally speaking, buffalo is the main sacrificial cattle, and its coat color, clues, borders and angles are all very particular. Cattle and horses sacrificed for cutting profits are tied to the stakes in the control field by thick straw ropes to ensure walking around the stakes. Before cutting profits, give them a "funeral" (tsan35 se 13), which means that the deceased drives away animals. The dutiful sons are holding a peeled white batten in their hands and walking with bows at both ends. A white cloth is stretched by a special person and covered on their backs. Daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law covered their heads with black cloth umbrellas, covered their faces with towels in one hand and held umbrellas in the other, followed by filial piety men. They walked around the main hall three times and then went straight to the control field. After arriving at the control field, they walked around the cattle and horses three times. After the "mourning" of the dutiful son, relatives sent flowers and umbrellas to "mourn" the dead. After the "mourning" of each family in turn, please ask those who are good at chopping cattle and horses to leave the village or come to the charge to cut profits. Before cutting profits, set up an eighteen immortals table on the edge of the control field. There is a wooden bucket on the table, with a little rice in it and two long knives on it. There are usually two surgeons. After being invited out, they walked three times clockwise around the cattle and horses with wooden barrels, scattering rice on them in the form of driving away. After finishing, Fang took a big knife and was about to cut it. At this moment, the dutiful son is holding a white Mu Cha, which is distributed around him. When the sacrificed oxen and horses fell to the ground, the peaks swarmed, and Mu Cha was used to hold down the head of the sacrificed oxen and horses, thus killing them. When cutting profits, the swordsman drives the oxen and horses clockwise, stops while the oxen are unprepared, picks up a knife and cuts at Niufengbao until the sacrificed oxen fall to the ground. When the sacrificed cow falls to the ground, it is best to walk towards the main house. Sacrificial horses are often struck on the forehead with the back of an axe or a hammer, causing them to faint and then stabbed to death with a knife.
12. Funeral: Funeral is called "going up the mountain" in the local language and "tai3 1 pai 13 l" in the water language. N3 1 "Whether it is a fake burial or a new death, after the control is turned on, the coffin will be placed in the main hall for funeral. At the funeral, many people … filial piety sent the coffin to the door in a certain direction, and the people caught it and put it on the wooden stool. Then they installed two lifting poles and tied two straw ropes with thick arms for pulling when going uphill. Before leaving, put new sheets on the coffin to make room for a bowl of glutinous rice, a bowl of tofu, a bowl of fish, a bowl of wine, and an empty bowl upside down to invite the deceased to lunch. After three rounds of drinking, the owner broke the buckle bowl with the back of a knife and killed a chicken on the coffin lid. At this time, people waiting nearby carried the coffin on their shoulders. When starting, one person scatters paper in front and the other raises a torch to clear the way. Dai Xiao, the dutiful son, bowed under the cloth, followed the torch to the branch slowly, then took off his white cloth and walked freely, taking off the sheets on the coffin at the same time. Don't go back to the funeral, don't put the coffin on the ground, and put a wooden stool on the way to rest. No matter how close the cemetery is to home, we should have a rest, have lunch with glutinous rice, and then move on until we reach the cemetery. During the whole process, except some people who were busy cooking, all relatives and friends, their nests and the youngest son of the whole village mourned for the dead, accompanied by bleak and graceful suona songs and lusheng songs along the way. Undertaker a face of sadness, the scene is particularly solemn, solemn and stirring.
Thirteen, burial. The language of water is called "huh? The burial of Hai and Shui people is mostly coffin burial, and the choice of cemetery is very particular. They think that if the burial place is good, future generations will prosper, otherwise it will bring all kinds of disasters, or relatives of children will ask Mr. Feng Shui to find a cemetery after the death of the deceased. In order to bless the dead in the future, when digging graves, glutinous rice, rice wine, tofu, fish and so on are offered first. Give it to the land god, and then Mr. Feng Shui will use a compass to calculate the appropriate position according to the mountain situation and season before digging. When the coffin is carried to the grave, the money paper is burned in the grave first, and then the coffin is moved into the grave with its head facing inward. Then, a member of the clan went to the back of the coffin and made one or two cuts on the left and right sides of the coffin with a knife. Then, the eldest son took a pinch of soil on the back of the coffin with his back skirt, turned and bent down to sprinkle the soil on the coffin. After he came down from the coffin, the gang began to bury the grave and repair it.
However, those who die informally, such as due to dystocia, falls, knife wounds and gunshot wounds, should be cremated first and then buried. Those who die outside cannot be transported into the village. They can only build a shed outside the village and wait for Geely.
Fourteen, three dynasties, also known as Fushan. The next morning, relatives were called together. Slaughter chickens, ducks, geese and piglets for the dead in front of the mountain grave.
Fifteen, taboo. Shui people attach great importance to mourning activities and express their greatest respect and deep nostalgia for the deceased. If you avoid meat, no matter who died in the same family, no matter how far apart, once you get the news, you will consciously avoid meat before the coffin is buried. But only avoid oily meat of animals and livestock, not aquatic animals and vegetable oil. Those who "knowingly commit crimes" will be greatly condemned by public opinion and their reputations will be affected.
Sixteen, except clothes. Shui people think that "the world is big, parents are big", so they attach great importance to Dai Xiao. After their parents died, they mourned for three years. Within three years, you can't sing, guess boxing and drink at home, and you can't hold entertainment activities. When filial piety was three years old, a undressing ceremony was held. Sacrifice the dead with pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks and geese, take the corner of the coffin and the filial sons, daughters and Fang family to the cemetery for burning, and replace the filial sons with black and white ones. At this point, the whole funeral activity is over.
Seventeen, from the form of words, there are: no-word tombstones, water-script tombstones and Chinese-character tombstones. The inscription is mainly about the date of birth and death of the tomb owner, the person who built the monument and the time. In addition, people are invited to write long epitaphs to praise the dead. The erection of monuments is generally arranged after burial, and the time varies from half a year to several years or even decades. However, if the deceased has prepared a tombstone at birth, it can also be done on the day of burial.