The capacitor on the motherboard is also called electrolytic capacitor, which is mostly used for power supply filtering. Its shell is marked with capacity and withstand voltage, such as 3000 microfarads /50 volts.
Extended data:
Classification of motherboard capacitance:
In principle, the types of capacitors can be divided into nonpolar variable capacitors, nonpolar fixed capacitors and polar capacitors, and can be divided into CBB capacitors (polyethylene), polyester capacitors, ceramic capacitors, mica capacitors, monolithic capacitors, electrolytic capacitors and tantalum capacitors according to materials.
Non-polar variable capacitance:
Manufacturing technology: the rotatable moving plate is a ceramic plate with a metal film on its surface, and the fixed plate is a ceramic bottom with a metal film; The rotor is a coaxial metal sheet, and the stator is an organic film sheet as a medium.
Advantages: easy production and low technical content.
Disadvantages: large volume and small capacity.
Purpose: Circuit for changing oscillation and resonance frequency. Frequency modulation, amplitude modulation, transmitting/receiving circuit.