One of the more serious and formal table manners is that the main guest sits on the right side of the host, and the secondary guest sits on the left side of the host or the right side of one of the guests. The wine is served on the guest's right, first the guest of honor, then the host, first the female guest, then the male guest.
Pour eight cents of wine, not too full. The order of serving is still traditional, cold first and then hot. Hot dishes should be placed on the left side of the seat opposite the guest of honor; Serve single dishes or side dishes, pre-dinner snacks, whole chicken, whole duck and whole fish and other plastic dishes, without head and tail facing the main theme. These procedures can not only make the whole banquet process harmonious and orderly, but also reflect and communicate the identity and feelings of the host and guests.
Therefore, the etiquette above the table can make the banquet activities complete and comprehensive, and make the cultivation of both the host and the guest fully displayed.
Second, Chinese etiquette
Catering is a common social activity. China is rich in food culture, and China people are hospitable and pay attention to food etiquette. Chinese banquet refers to a banquet with the traditional national style of China, which abides by the eating habits and etiquette norms of China people. Banquet activities can be divided into three types according to their purpose and nature: one is ceremonial, such as welcoming important guests or dignitaries for official visits; Banquets held to celebrate major festivals or hold important ceremonies are all etiquette requirements, and such banquets should have certain etiquette norms and procedures.
The other is friendship, mainly for communicating feelings, expressing friendship and developing friendship, such as welcoming guests, seeing them off, saying goodbye and getting together. The other is the nature of work, in which the host or participants hold a banquet to solve a certain work so as to discuss the work at the dinner table. These three situations often complement each other and have both. The purpose, form and nature of the banquet are different, but the basic etiquette followed by the host and guest is the same.
(A) the basic etiquette of the banquet
(1) seating arrangement. For formal banquets, seats are usually arranged in advance so that participants can sit in order and be polite to guests. In informal banquets, seats don't have to be arranged in advance, but there are usually points of sitting and sitting.
The following points should be considered when arranging seats: First, focus on the position of the host. If there is a hostess, the hostess and the hostess are the center, and the top floor near the hostess is arranged in turn; The second is to arrange the guests and couples in the most important position.
It is usually to the right, that is, the owner's right hand is the most important position. The farthest position facing the door is the upper seat, the nearest position facing the door is the lower seat, the second position is on the right of the upper seat, the third position is on the left, and so on; Third, under the premise of following the etiquette order, let the neighbors be as accommodating as possible; Fourth, the host's accompanying guests should be inserted between the guests as much as possible, so that they can talk with the guests and avoid sitting together.
(2) Etiquette of host and guest. The host's etiquette should say that the success of the banquet depends on the host's warm hospitality, generous hospitality and careful organization. Officially, the host's duty is to make every guest feel the welcome of the host.
The host holds a banquet, whether it is Chinese food or western food, no matter what the reason and purpose, the host should send an oral or written invitation to the guests in advance, and arrange the time and place of reception according to the habits and characteristics of the guests. Etiquette banquet etiquette is more grand and exquisite.
Before the banquet begins, the host should stand in front of the door and smile at the guests, with the younger generation in front and the elders behind. You should greet each guest in turn. After most of the guests arrive, they return to the banquet venue to greet and socialize with the guests respectively (informal family dinners are more casual, and the host may not greet the guests at the door, but shake hands before the guests arrive).
The host must be cordial and sincere to the guests, treat them equally, and can't just pay attention to one or two entertainment and ignore other guests. Before taking a seat, all cigarettes and tea shall not be delivered by others or waiters, and the owner shall deliver cigarettes and tea in person as far as possible.
After serving, the host should first propose a toast to the guests and say some kind words to thank them for coming. After that, every dish comes up with a toast to invite you to drink, and then ask the guests to "raise chopsticks".
To take care of the convenience of guests, change dishes or turn the table in time. Guests with special tastes should change dishes in time.
After the banquet, the host will see the guests off at the door. We should say a few words of apology and thanks to those guests who didn't take care of them at the party.
For the guests who walk behind, you can say a few commonplaces. Guest Etiquette As a guest invited to dinner, it is a respect for the host to keep the appointment on time, behave appropriately and pay attention to etiquette.
Precautions for personal dining table
(1) clothing. Before going to the banquet, guests should consider their own dress according to the purpose, specifications, objects, customs or the requirements of the host, and the dress should not affect the mood of both parties and the atmosphere of the banquet.
(2) order food. If the host has arranged the dishes, the guests should not order any more.
If you attend a banquet and the dishes have not been set, you should pay attention to the etiquette of ordering. Don't choose too expensive dishes when ordering, and it is not advisable to order too cheap dishes. If they are too cheap, the host will be unhappy and think you look down on him. If cheaper food is what you really like, you should do something and try to be tactful.
(3) eat. When eating, be polite and polite. "Don't eat horses, drink cows, swallow tigers, whales, chew food, make no noise, leave no marks and filth on lips and bones, and don't litter."
Don't move chopsticks in a hurry when facing a table of delicious food. Don't move chopsticks until the host says "please". The host raised his glass to signal the start, and the guests could eat.