Buck teeth cause the nose to be too short, the alar to be enlarged, and the back of the nose to be too wide, squeezing the eyes, making it difficult to open them, and the eyelids droop, making them ugly eyes. Abnormal development of maxilla and maxilla, thick lips are sure to appear, and chapped every day. Because of buck teeth, you have to chew food left and right, which will naturally lead to excessive masseter and become a Chinese face. Some children's parents are also beautiful, but their children have a Chinese face. In fact, this is because buck teeth affect the whole face, not just the influence of "deepening the law".
Face does affect the outside world's evaluation and attitude towards a person, thus affecting personality. Therefore, I hope that friends who are still in adolescence must seize this critical moment to correct their teeth. This is a very good opportunity and the cost is minimal. Except buckteeth, it is recommended to correct any slight or serious malocclusion or other tooth deformities as soon as possible, and don't let it hinder your growth and development.
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