Among them, the crown dress and the court dress under the coat are the most solemn and formal dresses for emperors and officials; Robe clothes (deep clothes) are common clothes for officials and scholars, while skirts are popular among women. Ordinary working people generally wear short clothes and pants.
Extended data
Hanfu is made of cloth and silk, with a width of 2 feet and 2 inches (about 50cm). It is divided into ten parts: collar, lapel, slit, sleeve, sleeve, belt and collar. Take two pieces of cloth with the same length, fold them in half respectively as front and rear purlins, and sew the back seam. Straight-neck double-breasted clothing is a kind of clothing without slit in front. If you take another piece of cloth, cut it into two pieces and sew it on the left and right lapels, it will be the right lapel.
The middle seam at the front and back is called V, that is, Du meridian and Ren meridian, which are on the right side of Ren meridian, so it is called right V.. The length of the shackles is divided into waist, knee and foot. Hanfu is divided into three lengths: garment, garment and garment. The seam between the sleeve and lapel is called seam, and the cuff is called seam. A complete Hanfu usually has three layers: underwear, underwear and coat.
Baidu encyclopedia-hanfu