#? -*-? Code:? utf-8? -*-
dic? =? {'a ':,? b ':'
def? gcd(m,? n):
'''? Find the greatest common divisor of two numbers? (the greatest? Common? Divider)?' '
Return? m? What if? n? ==? 0? Or what? gcd(n,m? %? n)
# Ternary expression format: true_part? What if? Conditions? Or what? false_part
def? lcm(m,? n):
'''? Find the least common multiple of two numbers? (at least? Common? Multiple)? ”''
Return? (m? *? n)? /? gcd(m,? n)
Gisslen? =? [len(dic['a']),? len(dic['b'])]
lcmRet? =? lcm(lsLen[0],? lsLen[ 1])
dicMultiple? =? {'a ':? lcmRet? /? lsLen[0],? b ':lcmRet? /? lsLen[ 1]}
dicRet? =? {'a':[],? b':[]}
For what? Keys? Are you online? Driver information center:
For what? elem? Are you online? Driver Information Center [key]:
For what? n? Are you online? Scope (dicMultiple[key]):
dicRet[key]。 Append (element)
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