Int type in SQL
1, int, bigint, smallint and tinyint are exact numeric data types that use integer data.

2. The main types, ranges and memory banks are as follows:

1)bigint: integer data from-263 (-922372036854775808) to 263-1(92237203685475807), with 8 bytes stored.

2)int: integer data from -2 3 1(-2 147 483 648) to 231-1(2147 483 647). Store 4 bytes

3)smallint: integer data from-215 (-32,768) to 215-1(32,767), with 2 bytes stored.

4) Tinyint: integer data from 0 to 255, stored in 1 byte.

Extended data:

Definition of 1 and int: int is a data type. Use programming languages (C, C++, C#, Java, etc. ), which is an identifier used to define an integer variable.

Overview of int is widespread. At present, it occupies 4 bytes and 32 bits in general household computers, and the data range is-2147483648 ~ 2147483647 [-231~ 231-. Number of bytes occupied by printing int with printf: printf("%d ",sizeof(int));); In addition to int types, there are short, long and long long types that can represent integers. Unsigned int means unsigned integer with data range of [0 ~ 2 32- 1], and unsigned int means unsigned integer with data range of [0 ~ 2 32- 1].

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